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Tersely Pertinent

This is some of my writings from over time. A good deal of it will talk about Old School type of D/s. There aren't a lot of us who still deal in it, but think of it as hieroglyphics. There is wisdom in places one would never think to look.....

It is also the home of my writings. The main writing is that of Sylvia, a woman who is introduced to the lifestyle through a friend to a man who expanded her world.
9 months ago. September 12, 2023 at 2:02 PM


Silvia could hear Madam Webb walk circles around her.   While she could not see Webb's eyes on her, Silvia could feel them,  Webb's stare had a physical impact.   Everyone at The Club talked about it.   Silvia herself had seen people collapse from that stare, Dom/me and sub alike.  It was Webb's tool of choice, and now it was focused on her. 

Maybe I should have just let him have his way, Silvia thought.   


No, she thought again.  "I'd rather take the cane than that" was Silvia's last thought before Webb spoke.


"My Goodness, child.  You are a fright.   Just look at you.   Tonight of all nights" Webb sighed as she sat in the chair Silvia kneeled before.   Silvia knew this chair well.   Almost like a throne, that chair was high backed and cushioned in red velvet.  The wood was unstained teak but polished to a shine that could hurt the eyes.  Silvia herself had spent hours helping put making that wood gleam.  She also help service Webb while she sat in that chair.   Pedicures, bringing tea, even cunnilingus.

But now she was going to punished in front of it.   Punishment Silvia knew she deserved.   Bowing her head more, she awaited Webb's words to see what it would be, tears beginning to form again.   When would these stop, when does the pain end?

Webb leaned back in her chair and sighed again and said  "Bring me my brush, child"

Rocking back to her heels, Silvia arose from her kneeling position to her feet, hands never touching the floor.   She walked to the desk and opened the middle draw on the left and retrieved the brush.   It was about eight inches long and three wide.   Stiff, stiff bristles and a back of solid oak.   It was a hard looking thing, and Silvia knew how hard it could feel.

Falling to one knee, Silvia held the brush to Webb on the palms of both hands.   "Your brush, Mistress" she said knowing what was coming next.   Webb eyed Silvia again and told her to get between her legs.  Silvia turned and nestled herself between Webb's knees so Silvia's ass was in reach of the brush.

"No Child.   Sit on our butt so I can do your hair.   It is simply awful."

Silvia was shocked but didn't say a word as she reoriented herself on the floor.   Her legs out before her and her back against the front part of the seat.   Her eyes widened as she felt Webb's fingers snap the hair tie out of the ponytail and then grab her dark tresses in one hand then the long strokes of the brush begin with the other.

"I am so sorry, child.  You have been through so much these last couple of months.   The final stages of Matthew's illness and then his death.   And you were there for all of it.   Staying in the room, sleeping on the floor as He lingered into his coma.   Reading to Him as lay there."  Webb stopped brushing and rested her cheek against the top of Silvia's head.   "But you are strong child, Matthew knew that.   He would have approved of what you said to Lord Band."  Silvia felt Webb's cheek slide from the top to her left ear.

"Just don't do it again.  At least not in my presence"  Webb whispered in the ear and then went back to brushing Silvia's hair.

Silvia almost giggled for the first time in months.   "Yes Mistress.  I mean No, Mistress"  said with as straight of a face as she could.   Then the flash of gaiety left her.  "Mistress, may I speak freely?"  At least this part will be easier for me while facing away from her, Silvia thought as she almost regretted her spoken words.   But these words still needed to be said.

Without missing a beat in her brushing, Webb replied with "That has never been a problem with you before, child.  Please do, but if has to do with what just happened in the Great Hall, keep it yourself.  That is a closed issue."   Silvia, nodded her head, as much as she could with Webb holding her by the hair.

"Yes Ma'am.  I just wanted to tell you after the service tonight, I will get a few personal items from My Master's office and then give my key to Asheer.    I also want to thank you for letting me be here and serve my Master as best as I could.   I will miss you and everyone here at Söt­­ëria."

Silvia suddenly found herself staring into Webb's eyes.   She could feel Webb's hand in a tight grasp of her hair and had yanked back so much Silvia had to lean back as much as she could so her neck would not snap.  "What on earth are you talking about, child?   Why would you leave us, specially now of all times?    Has the grief made you demented? Webb growled.    

"No Ma'am," Silvia replied as well as she could with her head being head back.  "It is just with my Master gone and no sponsor....I have to leave with in twenty four hours.  The Club rules say so."   She wanted to rip her hair out of Webb's hands.  Both of them knew what the rules said.  No tears this time, but a growing anger.

"Oh child." Webb let out with a breath.   It was almost like a deflation.  She pulled up on Silvia's hair so Silva's head was facing front and she could put her cheek on Silvia's head again.   "Oh Matthew, you bastard.  Why didn't tell her?"   Silvia was somewhat shocked.   She had never, in her life, heard such tenderness come through Webb's words.   

Letting go of the brush and Silvia's hair, Webb wrapped her arms around Silvia's shoulders and gave her a very tight hug.   "Oh my child.  Your Master held one last card from you.   He was always a bastard in some ways."  Webb unwrapped her arms and leaned to retrieve the brush from the floor.  Returning to the brushing, Webb continued with " I was Matthew's friend but I was also his Lawyer.    And, Executor of his estate."

Webb then reached around to grasp Silvia's chin with her thumb and forefinger.   Silvia found herself slowly turning her whole body until she was on all fours facing Webb in the chair.  "Although the will is still in probate, you are the only heir.  The House, bank accounts, even Matthew's twenty five percent interest in Söt­­ëria.   All yours.   You are now a very rich woman." 

She then leaned down from the chair and kissed Silvia on the forehead.

"I don't think you are going anywhere soon, child."   



ladypatience - That makes me happy. She gets to stay where she belongs for now! Still so sad. I'm sure she'd want him more than any money or business offered. So sad.
9 months ago
ladypatience - Please this 🙏 thank you TD
9 months ago

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