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Tersely Pertinent

This is some of my writings from over time. A good deal of it will talk about Old School type of D/s. There aren't a lot of us who still deal in it, but think of it as hieroglyphics. There is wisdom in places one would never think to look.....

It is also the home of my writings. The main writing is that of Sylvia, a woman who is introduced to the lifestyle through a friend to a man who expanded her world.
9 months ago. September 20, 2023 at 1:45 PM

Silvia couldn't believe how big it was.   It was Huge!   She didn't think she had ever seen anything large in her life.


Shaking her head, she looked down at the yellow envelope in her lap.  The address matched the what she saw on the gate.  So this must be the place.  This was where Matt lived.   The place that was going to change her life.  Hopefully for the better, she thought to herself.  

Silvia memories dashed back to her time in the kitchen.  She had just gotten home from the coffeeshop after meeting Him for the first time.   She remembered being so scared at what He was going to say, what he was going to do.    Then He gave her this padded package.   At the time she thought it was was so small, but she didn't know what something like that could affect her so much.

When she got home, she didn't know what to do with it.   Open it?  Put it in a drawer somewhere and forget about it?  Throw it away?  After staring at it awhile on the table, she decided to open it and see what was inside.    Dumping the contents into her hand, she found a small letter and.....


a collar.


The letter told her to choose how to bring it back to him.


So here she was, in her car in His driveway.   In front of this huge house on an estate.   Like Bruce Wayne.   The thought of Him answering the door in a cape and cowl made her giggle.   Well, Silvia thought, I better do something instead of sitting in the car.  

Getting out and locking the door, Silvia strode up the walkway to the front door.   When she got there, she saw it wasn't like most front doors people see.   It was large and brown and wooden.  Weathered from the seasons because of no storm door, it looked like something from....a castle.  At eye height, a simple brass knocker.   

As she reached up to use the knocker, there came a voice to her left.  "Hello Silvia.  The door is unlocked.  Please come in.  I am in the Library.   Straight ahead and first door on the left."   Silvia looked to down and saw a video doorbell on the side house next to the door.   "Oh!" she gasped. "Yes. Ok."

Silvia entered the house and found herself in a large open area.   Eggshell blue wall and more wood in trim and flooring.   Near the door was a hall tree for coats and hats.   Next to that was smaller rack with some shoes on it.   Seeing that, she was unsure, but then decided to see if this was a test.   Silvia slipped off her own shoes and put them on the rack.

Bending back up, Silva looked around and saw a magnificent staircase leading up.  She wondered what it led to.  "How much house is there?"  Shaking her head, she saw the hallway that let people to the back of place.   As she headed that direction, she marveled at the paintings and other decorations.   All tastefully done, all expensive. 

Twisting and turning her head, she came to another door.   The first door on the left, she thought.   Silvia placed herself before it and thought about just pushing down on the levered handle and walking in, but thought better of it.   Instead, she reached up and knocked twice on the door.

"Come in, Silvia", His voice answered.

Silvia's first thought as she opened the door and entered was "Green".  Walls, carpet, curtains, all various shades of green.  Even the desktop of the desk He was leaning on was green.   Then her mind shifted focus and saw Him.  Really saw him.    Matt smiled at her as he leaned there, dressed in tan slacks, hunter's green button down shirt and brown loafers.   Holding out his hand, Matt continued to smile and repeated "Come in, Come in."

The carpet felt soft on her feet as Silvia walked across to him and raised her hand to give Him the envelope.  But instead of taking it, Matt took Silvia by the wrist and guided her to a leather chair off to the side.   As she sat in it, Silvia started to say "I wanted to..." but was stopped by Matt's finger across her lips.  "Shush.  Me first."  Matt told her as he walked off back to the desk.  

Leaning again on the desk, Matt spent some time taking her in.   Starting at the top of her head and working His way down her body, Matt's smile grew in delight.   When His gaze got to her feet, He cocked his head and gave a small laugh.  "You start off well my dear.   Though depending on your actions, we will have to do something about those socks."

Silvia blushed.   She wanted to hide her face with the envelope to cover her own grin.  To cover her giddiness, she looked at the floor right before his feet and said "Yes Sir".  She then heard him get up from the desk and walk around.   

When she looked up again, Matt was seated behind the desk with His hands folded on the desktop.   "Silvia," He started, "This is a whole new world for you.   If you decide to enter it, you will be experiencing new and wonderous things.  But you will also be experiencing pain and humiliation and control.   Things that are horrible to the vanilla world.   It will be something you have never done in your life, until now."

Matt stroked his chin and scratched his beard.  "But this is something you, yourself have to decide.  This is the one decision I can not make for you.  You have to make it yourself.   You have to decide whether you wish to enter my world, or turn around and leave it closed to you.  Do you understand that?"  Matt gaze questioned Silvia more than this words did.  

She bit her lip and nodded her head as her fingers fondled the envelope.  Silvia almost could not get the "Yes Sir" out from he mouth but, after a couple of seconds she did.  "Good," Matt returned "You know what is in the package you brought back to me.  What do you think we should do with it?"

Silvia then looked at Him.  Stared at his eyes and locked gazes.   Then suddenly she came to that decision.  

She stood up, reached down to her socks and pulled them off and tossed them on the floor.   She then reached into the envelope and pulled out the collar.   This she put between her teeth and tossed the yellow thing on top of her socks.   Silvia then got down on her hands and knees and crawled on the floor between her chair and the desk.

After rounding the desk, she crawled before Matt and shifted to a kneeling position,  Taking the collar from her mouth, she handed it up to Him with both palms and said "Please Sir, lock me into this".

I'mME - 🤔
9 months ago

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