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Tersely Pertinent

This is some of my writings from over time. A good deal of it will talk about Old School type of D/s. There aren't a lot of us who still deal in it, but think of it as hieroglyphics. There is wisdom in places one would never think to look.....

It is also the home of my writings. The main writing is that of Sylvia, a woman who is introduced to the lifestyle through a friend to a man who expanded her world.
8 months ago. October 10, 2023 at 2:12 PM

Silvia was cold and wet.

The rain had been going on for an hour now.  Her hair was plastered to the side of her face and the water had pooled at the small of her back, the excess running down her ass and pussy.    Her arms and legs were somewhat aching from being in the same position for long time unable to move because of the ropes.   The mud caked her breasts and stomach.  

Silvia was very unhappy.


And very very sorry.


She mind wandered back to how she got here.   Silvia remembered coming home with her new dress for her showing at the Club Matt was going to take her to.   She was very proud of her choice and could not wait to show it to him!   It was such a wonderful shade of red and she knew, KNEW!, He was going to be happy with with it!

That was until Silvia saw the look on His face.   

Silvia had never seen such a look of disappointment before.  Not on Matt's face.  Not on anyone's face.   My God, she thought, what have I done?  Why wasn't he proud of her choice?   

There in the green room that was Matt's Den, Silvia held up the dress in stunned silence.   Matt got up from his desk and came round to her.   Taking the dress from Silvia, He laid it on the chair next to the desk, while pointing to the floor.   She understood the unspoken command and knelt down in proper form, head bowed down to hide her forming tears.

"I am disappointed, Silvia.  I requested you to get a green dress." Matt spoke ab ove her.  "This one is not green, is it?"

"No, Sir."  Silvia almost whispered.

"Why did you ignore my request?" He asked.

"I....I...thought you would be happy to see me in red.   Red is your signature color, isn't it"

Silvia could hear Matt walk back around His desk and sit down.   She wouldn't allow her eyes to see what he was doing, not risking the chance to see that look on His face again.  The silence from the desk was almost unbearable.   Then after awhile, He sighed.

"Of course you must be punished," Matt finally said.  "I put my trust in you to do as I ask and you didn't fulfill your duty."  Matt got up from the desk and walked back around to her.   Silvia then felt His hand cup her chin and raise her head up to face him again.  She saw a stern look had replaced the disappointment.   

The details of what happened after that were a blur to Silvia, as she laid there in the mud and the rain.   She remembered being told to strip and then following Matt to the kitchen where he got a tools and stakes and rope from the cupboard.   Her next memory was her thinking how wet the air felt, as she walked across the lawn, following Matt outside.   He continued walking until he was almost to the woods that edged his property.

But there he stopped.   Here the grass wasn't as thick as the rest of the lawn.   Silvia could seen the dirt becoming moist, as the mist was soaked in.   "Lay down.  Ass to the sky" He told her, as he started cutting the rope into short pieces.  She followed his order and put her ass to the sky.  Arms out before her and less straight behind her.

Silvia winced a bit as felt Him suddenly tug on a wrist.   Then there was the sensation of the rope encircling it.  While she was wondering what He was doing,  there was a tug on her whole arm, as it was pulled away from her.   Next was a hammering.

Thud, thud, thud.

She closed her eyes as Silvia now knew what he was doing.   

He was staking her to the ground.  

Silvia's other three limbs followed the same pattern.    Soon she could not move much, tied as she was.   She imagined herself as a giant starfish on the beach.    "I guess I am lucky the sun is behind the clouds", she kind of giggled to herself, as she wondered what was going to happen next.

Hearing him gathering his tools, she turned her head and opened her eyes.   There she saw His brown loafer and heard Him say "Silvia, look up at me."  She turned her head again so her chin on on the rapidly wetting dirt and shifted her neck so she could look up as far she she could.

"I want you to think about what you have done."  Matt spoke down to her.  "I will come get you when I am ready.  If you can not stand it anymore, I will be where I can hear your safeword.   But until then......" 

Matt then turned and she watched Him as she disappeared into the woods.    

That was when the rain started to fall.


bigandsmall​(sub female) - Lol oh Sylvia 😅 never let an EX convince you to disobey direct and specific instructions. She may act or think she is helping but subconsciously she can set you up for failure or she could actually BE the test. Seems I am getting caught up in the story. 😊
8 months ago

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