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Tersely Pertinent

This blog is a place for me to post things to get them out of my head.

My writings give a hint of the way I view the lifestyle, both good and bad.

My projects give my hands something to do, when my writing fails me.
2 months ago. July 24, 2024 at 4:34 PM



The Subject attempted to clench her ass cheeks, to keep the plug from going in.


She could feel The Man's hands separating them, slowly, and she fought as hard as she could.   His cold, rubber gloves pull against her strength.   But try as she might, her ass opened up for Him, revealing her anus.  "Oh there's a pretty sight!" she heard as she felt a slight probing.   "I bet you do a great deal of ass fucking, don't you?"

The Man poked at her hole with a thumb.  First circling the anus and then slowly sliding it in.  "So smooth, so easy..." He exclaimed, plunging the thumb in to the base of his hand.   Moving the digit up and down, side to side, he acted as if he was fishing for something. 

The Subject wiggled as much as she could, trying to escape the man's touch.   The problem was she could not move much, being cuffed up in a face down, ass up position.   She was pinned and unable to make any move away from Him.

"Please, please don't!   I don't know what you are wanting!   Why are you doing this to me?"  She pleaded at Him.  But her words went unheeded.   She felt him pull his thumb out of her ass and then replace it with the plug he had in his other hand.  The snap of His glove coming off came to her ears with Him saying "I just wanted to see if there was a flash drive up there.   But now I'm going to give you a wash to see if it is up there further."

Suddenly a warm feeling filled her rectum.  She gasped as the feeling of the liquid spread further into her body. "Don't worry," He said, "Nothing harmful.  Just some water with a little additive to relax you.   Really it should make you feel a bit euphoric." 

Her breathing increase as she tried to struggle against the warmth and the giddiness that started to overcome her.   The Subject's body started to relax against her will.   Slowly her muscles unclinched and even being forced into the position she was in didn't feel so bad.

"There we go, " The Man said. "Let's see if we can't relax you some more."  

She felt one his his glove covered hands slip between her legs.    It just rubbed against her vula.  Slowly, back and forth, back and forth.     First it hurt, as the latex pulled at her skin.   But as the strokes became longer and firmer, the stokes became silkier, as her juices started to drip.

"Oh my!  You are a wanton little cunt, aren't you?   You like this, don't you?"

The Subject clinched her eyes shut and bit her lip, trying to keep the growing moans locked inside.   She tried to will her body not to respond to his touch, but it would not listen.   Her genitals seemed to beg more for his touch, instead of retreating.  It was all she could do to keep it engulfing his hand.

The Man stopped his stroking to ease his thumb and forefinger between her lips and separate them, moving them up and down the inside.   This only made the juice flow to increase.   With a sudden plunge,  The Man drilled his forefinger deep inside The Subject.

A moan escaped her mouth and again when he added a second finger to the first.   "Tell me what kind of slut you are," He demanded of her, as he worked his fingers in and out of her.   First the two and then added his ring finger to the action.

She wanted to shake her head but she couldn't.   She wanted to bite her tongue but if she undid her jaws, the moans would escape again.   She fought off her orgasum as much as she could.   

The plunging and retreating was moving faster and faster.   The fingers (was it four now?) seemed to drilling deeper and deeper inside!  "Either tell me the code or tell me what a nasty little cunt you are!"

 The Subject could no longer stand it.    Her mouth seemed to have it own mind when it opened and said:

"I'm a nasty, nasty little cunt!" 






I'mME - I love it!!!
2 months ago

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