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Tersely Pertinent

This blog is a place for me to post things to get them out of my head.

My writings give a hint of the way I view the lifestyle, both good and bad.

My projects give my hands something to do, when my writing fails me.
1 month ago. August 12, 2024 at 10:48 PM



So after the mostly successful Copper Flogger, I decided to see how my experience would transfer over to a stainless steel tube.   


The first problem I encountered was the Outside Diameter (OD) is smaller than the one on the copper tube.   I ordered 1 inch OD but when the first one got was less than 1 inch.   Figured they sent the wrong size, so I ordered another.


Second one came in and was the same size of the first.   So I figured this was the industry standard and made adjustments.    Already had some collars for the tube and put a chrome pull on the end.  The final handle construction looks like this:


To go with the look I wanted, I decided get a black hide.   Yak, this time to continue to exotic rhythm. Yak would also provide a heavier fall.


It took forever for the hide to show up here.   Not so much because of the shipper, but the Post Office bounced it around NE Kansas for almost a week.    But it finally arrived:




Now this stuff is much thicker and tougher than I had figured.    Attempting to cut it with my exacto knife got me poor results, so I ordered new blades for my rotary cutter.   

Titanium coated blades!

When those arrived, I was cleaning the packing oil off one of them and found out how sharp they were:


It was like I was in an SNL skit about Julia Childe 


But was able to clean up and get back to business.    My goal was to make it only 13 falls this time, figuring that the weight would make up for the thuddiness.



So the final problem came when the thicker falls went into the smaller tube, only 11 falls would squeeze in.   So the flogger is sitting on the work bench til Thursday to let the glue cure and we will see how it all works out:


lambsone{countrySir} - Looks nice. I have special leather cutting scissors because I would have sliced my hole finger off if it were me. Glad you're okay.
1 month ago
MissBonnie​(dom female){oz} - ouch! ..yak! interesting choice
1 month ago
TopekaDom​(dom male) - I thought I had a yak one already but the wife informed me it was moose. So fixed that problem.
1 month ago

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