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Tersely Pertinent

This blog is a place for me to post things to get them out of my head.

My writings give a hint of the way I view the lifestyle, both good and bad.

My projects give my hands something to do, when my writing fails me.
3 weeks ago. September 6, 2024 at 3:18 PM



The actress goggled at the photos on the wall of the enclosed room.


Turning away from them, she looked for other things to see.    The actress found herself surrounded by dog items everywhere: leashes hanging from pegs, shelves with dog collars of all kinds,  even simulated dog tails with metal plugs on the end.   Looking down at the floor, she spotted bowls, some filled with water and others empty.    Even in the corner of the room was a large dog kennel with the door open.

From behind her came the man's voice, "Welcome to my secret world.   For years now, I have trained both men and women what it is like like to be a pet.  That is a dog.   People who wish to give up their identity and power and lose themselves."

The actress turned to face him.  "But that isn't what I want!  I just need to..." she paused.

"know what is like to become a dog." the man finished for her.  "Benjamin told me what the movie was to be about.  He sent me the script, which I have read.   The Mother finds herself questioning her identity.   She finds herself slipping into the idea she is becoming a dog."

She bit her lip and looked again at the floor.  Strewn about were chew toys and plushies of all kinds.   Closing her eyes, she took several deep breaths.   The actress could not believe where all this was going.   Was she really going all herself to be treated as a dog?   She wanted so much to get in touch with this character, but was this going too far?

After a few minutes of contemplation,  the actress raised her head up and looked the man straight in the eye.

"Yes," she told him.  "Please train me."

Nodding to the actress, the man turned and seated himself in the other chair in the room.    "Come over here and get down on all fours facing me." He told her.

She shook herself all over and complied with order.    First she knelt down and then placed her hands on the carpet.      The man reached out and lifted her chin until they could see each other eye to eye.

"This is how you will be for most of your training.   You won't communication in human language.  You will bark, yip, whine or growl.    We won't start with the dog ears or tail plugs.   If you do well and continue, we will add those later.  Nor will we use the paw gloves and shoes.  Those are only for really good puppies."

"But," he continued, "You will be naked.   Dogs don't wear clothes and neither shall you.   If you have a problem with this, you need to get up right now and leave.   Don't ever come back.   Nod if you agree."

The actress looked him straight in the eye and spoke a single word:



I'mME - Lol, loved the last line..
3 weeks ago

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