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Tersely Pertinent

This blog is a place for me to post things to get them out of my head.

My writings give a hint of the way I view the lifestyle, both good and bad.

My projects give my hands something to do, when my writing fails me.
2 weeks ago. September 11, 2024 at 2:53 PM



The actress rolled on her back, to let the sun warm her belly.


She let her arms and legs curl in the air slightly, as she scratched her back on the deck planking.    The sun, now beginning to set, felt good on her breasts and vagina.   A slight breeze came over the fence and across the deck, causing her to shiver slightly.  Turning back over, the actress got to her hands and knees and padded over to the man as he sat in his chair.

Smiling up at him, she curled up at his feet while he puffed on his pipe.  He reached down and patted her on the head, telling her "You are such a good girl, Sandy.   But it is time to go back inside.

The man picked her her leash and clipped it to her collar.   Rising from the chair, he gave her a slight tug.   She got back to her hands and knees and followed him back inside the house.

He led her back through the kitchen and they found themselves once again in his den.   The man told her to sit before his recliner, and then walked to the closet to open the door.  

"Sandy,"he told her, returning to sit in the recliner, "You are a wonderful little puppy, but today's training is done.  You did very well and  I am very proud of how you preformed today.  But now you have to go home. "

The actress frowned, with small tears forming in her eyes.   She gave him a small whine and shook her head at him.

"Now, Now Sandy.   That is no way to end this.   Do as I say: Go into the closet and get dressed."

She looked at the open door and then back at the man, then again at the open door.   With her head hung low, she slowly padded into the closet with the leash trailing behind her, turning one last time to gaze at the man as he got up from the chair and shut the door.

Again, the light blazed above her as the door clicked shut.   The actress got up to her feet and looked around.    She saw her clothes, shoes and the things from her pockets.   Even after only a few hours, they seemed strange to her, like they belonged to someone else.

With slow moving hands, she put on her things: underwear, pants, bra, blouse.   As she was putting the the odds and ends back in her pockets, the actress realized she was still wearing the collar and leash.    She began to cry as she felt the collar in her hands, and then undid the clasp.   

"Thank you Sandy."  She told the collar as she kissed it and then placed it on the shelf, coiling the leash next to it.

The actress then turned and grasped the handle.    With a deep breath, she opened the door, walking through to the room.  Finding the man standing next to his recliner, she slowly closed the door, list to the click with the sound of finality.

"Welcome back, Ma'am." the man told her with warm smile.  "You will have to excuse me, but I have"

"Yes."  The actress begrudged him.  "Yes, of course."

The man walked her to the front door and let her out.   

The actress walked down the path to her car.   Then with a sudden turn, came back to him while he was closing the door.

"Pardon me, Sir.  But....Can I come back, sometime, and be Sandy again?"  she almost begged of him.

Smiling at her, he said "You may come back any time to visit Sandy.   She and I would like that very much.





I'mME - ❤️
1 week ago

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