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Tersely Pertinent

This blog is a place for me to post things to get them out of my head.

My writings give a hint of the way I view the lifestyle, both good and bad.

My projects give my hands something to do, when my writing fails me.
2 hours ago. September 28, 2024 at 1:23 PM



So the handles are finished.   Though the purple and mahogany ones took longer than I expected. 

I think I put the second coat of stain on too soon, since they are oil based as opposed

to the scarlet one, which is water based.


I ordered my new buckskin hides. Though I don't know when they will arrive, since they haven't shipped yet.

But I have left over Moose, so I cut some falls for the mahogany handle:


Got buzy attaching them to the handle.

Cut 26 falls, but only really got 17 of them glued on when I ran out of room.

But it looks fairly nice I think:


Takes 72 hours for the glue to fully cure. 

So it won't be til Monday when I can do a final bit of covering 

where the falls attach to the handle.   

Will be interesting to see if it works


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