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Barbie Dreams

Just your average Jewish autistic business lady whose turning herself into a 1950s submissive barbie sex doll. Don't mind me.
1 year ago. September 9, 2023 at 5:44 PM

People on youtube and other spots get mad at me for wanting a rich guy.  Folks online have been trying to point me to that manosphere stuff because I do not have a suitable mate and I just date myself.  I think they are trying to say that I am too old to find a mate because the men my age want a younger woman.  I get that and I actually support that strategy big time.  I don't want any more kids and I get a lot of messages from younger dudes who want me to have their babies and I'm all fuck no not for any amount of money in the world.  And I don't really want a guy my age because I lived my twenties at two years old folks and there is a huge maturity gap still.  I prefer a guy 10-25 years older because they typically have better stuff, are smarter, and can sometimes keep up with me intellectually.  They also tend to appreciate me more because at that age you stop giving a fuck about keeping up appearances.


I think people get mad at me about wanting money because they are not putting themselves in my shoes.  I have a disability and a lot of challenges and still I figured out how to survive alone with a kid.  It's not amazing, but it's nothing to sneeze at in the San Francisco Bay Area.  And it's hard as hell for an autistic person to develop these skills, especially a female autistic person.  At least in the communities I've experienced (a lot), women are expected to be pro-social, extraverted, empathetic, put others before themselves, etc... etc.. Autistic women do not get the same amount of support and encouragement and fucking coddling that autistic guys do.  And that's a fact.  So my thinking is that if I could figure out how to get money my mate sure as shit should have that on lock too.  I don't even want the guys money, I just don't want to date a broke boy.  I don't have to and you can't make me.  I love living alone and I do want to meet someone, just not someone who will require me to live a more challenging life or sacrifice to be with him.  Daily life is an everyday struggle relationships shouldn't have to be struggle love.  And there are like 10 guys for every girl in this city, but my crazy ass is too scared to leave the house to socialize so rest assured haters I probably will end up single for awhile, lol.


And I am from the gutter I don't come from money either.  And I know that I look like I got left out of bad and boujee sometimes but I'm working on it with my human doll cosplay.  So there.  Great day ahead for the kid, me and the puppy!  Hope you all have an amazing weekend as well.  Thank you for keeping up with my dumb blog.



RIP Takeoff


p.s. I've been watching this lady on youtube because she is very smart.  I don't understand social stuff a lot and I don't think jews have a 'cuffing season' (maybe b4 pesach a tiny bit???).  I find the holidays annoying because it's hard to shop and there are more crowds and that christmas music sucks ass.  And traffic and folks are on vacation.  Halloween is cool though.  I'm going to be Kanye dressed as Tyler the Creator in the Igor era. But I appreciate the PSA from this smart and savvy woman:









PurĕVerified member - Comment deleted by poster.
1 year ago
B L O N D I E​(sub female) - I was really on the fence about commenting on this one. One of the major complaints that men have about modern women is that we don't call out each other's toxic behavior. That's why I've decided to respond.

You don't have to date a broke guy, but you might think about being a bit more respectful of the fact that men have choices, too. You don't just get throw yourself out there in the market and expect men to put up with toxic, disrespectful behavior. Saying, "they can sometimes keep up with me intellectually" is possibly the most disrespectful, insulting, and abusive thing I have ever read on this site. You are nobody's bargain. You've admitted you aren't that much to look at, you have a kid, you have autism and other mental health issues. So you can support yourself financially. Welcome to adulthood. That doesn't make you exceptional that you should deserve an exceptional man. Your post confirms that all you care about is whether they have better stuff, how much money they make, and you don't care who you have to hurt to get it. You deserve to be alone until you grow up and change your thinking.

Your post confirms every complaint the men have been making about modern women when they say that all women care about is money. You're doing yourself and the rest of women a massive disservice with this attitude and it is totally unacceptable. Men are human beings. They have a right to expect respectful treatment and this isn't it. If you continue with this attitude and fail to recognize that you are just as fucked up, flawed, and average as men are, you will never find a mate and that will be for the best. I would hate for some man to get with you and have to suffer from your toxic attitude.
1 year ago
Jack in the box -
Wow! 🙏 just wow!
can I buy you a drink Ms BLONDIE?
1 year ago
B L O N D I E​(sub female) - Thanks for the support. Just to clarify, I'm a single mother and solo business owner. I have trouble finding a mate because all these male content creators are saying "Don't date a single mother because all they want is your money." So this attitude is hurting me, too.
1 year ago
Jack in the box -
Rest assured good lady, not all are as such. 🙏
I search and see "her soul" and none other. The circumstances be what they may be - true love in these days is very hard to find.
1 year ago
Jack in the box - Comment deleted by poster.
1 year ago
Notely - “Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby.. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of crap!”

They don't understand the 1950s value's or old fashion traditions. It's natural for a girl to just want someone to lead the way to protect them and make them feel safe. But these guy's from else were not getting that security that girl is very protective of her heart she wants safe home to go to ruff over the head that she take care the house , if want to have kids gotta have stability. Nothing wrong with having needs does not mean high maintenance just standards just want a suitable safe place not in a place that is not going to be safe. Because you will be doing your half they are not looking at in this same way. Takes someone grown to understand it. I know money may not be everything but you need to live. Depending on some established guys who made room for a lady to work on self, some put their cars first before a woman they may not want to settle with. Be selective with your heart. I was with an established one. They did want to settle. They were married like 5 times. They were good to me but I had to keep my mouth shut. It took me a few years to leave him. But if you find someone rare even if they got it or if they are middle class doing good even. They just need to understand you if they don't like them and they can keep moving on. If they keep bothering they only wish they could have you. Guy's seems to get weird with the word girl looking for rich get these ass hats out of the way can use secure or someone established willing to take lead and cherish the christian guys understand it many religious ones some that understand old fashion values don't gotta be religions tho.

1 year ago

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