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lambsone's thoughts

Just things I think about or feel from time to time either from experience or observation.
1 week ago. July 17, 2024 at 9:20 PM

Still waiting for you, with a life-time of love to give. I will never stop loving you.


1 week ago. July 17, 2024 at 8:20 PM

I've worked so hard to lose weight over the past 2.5 years and at the start of the Summer I have gained 10 lbs back. I got all the way down to 131 from 168 and now I'm at 141.

Someone spank me so I can get back on track.

1 week ago. July 14, 2024 at 6:14 PM

On my birthday evening after returning from the concert to a dark house, I dropped one of my hearing aids on the floor. I searched with my hands, and found nothing of course. So I gingerly stepped towards a light switch and wouldn't you know my foot found the hearing aid and smashed it to smithereens. So that has to be replaced.

So then yesterday I opened my car door and leaned in to get something but didn't clear the door with my face and gave myself a black eye. It's the left swollen one.

Not to mention getting myself beat up taming the jungle in my back yard this week with a hack saw and pruning shears.

I can only imagine what's going to happen when I get my chain saw out later to cut trees down. I've never used one before so there will probably be a massacre. I broke the starter button off my Black and Decker Rotary Saw and then lost the button, so I can't use that. (How did I do that? Ran over it with my car. I forgot it was on the driveway temporarily before I put it away.)

So I can't think that a Dominant would do anything worse to me than I end up doing to myself. I'm a seasoned masochist guys.

2 weeks ago. July 13, 2024 at 2:28 AM

So yesterday, a neighborhood friend called me. I call her the Mayor of the neighborhood. She asked if I was planning to go to the Rock Concert about a mile away. Our councilman puts this on each year for 4 weeks in a row. Each week a different band performs.

At first I told her no because I don't like Rock Music (Hard Rock I should say.). But then I remembered that there were other things to do there, so I said yes. So she picked me up and we went.

After our councilman showed up, he came over to our little group and greeted everyone, but he was very friendly with me which was odd because that's never happened before. Nevertheless I decided to enjoy the interaction.

There was a singer who played for quite awhile to warm everyone up until the main band came on stage, and I recognized many of the songs. Then when the main band played several songs, they stopped and the singer unfolded a piece of paper and read from it. He announced that it was my birthday and had the entire place sing happy birthday to me. Apparently my friend and our councilman arranged for that to happen unbeknownst to me. It was great fun abd probably the best birthday preaent I've ever had. And those two who tricked me were both grinning like Cheshire Cats.

These are some photos from the neighborhood park we were in. (Jefferson Park if you are from the West side of Cleveland. W 132 and Lorain.) It has a playground, large gazebo, basketball court, etc. That was at the North end. The stage was at the South end. There were a few community organizations represented in the blue tents, 3 bounce houses for the kids, food, the stage, and a roped off area as the beer garden. We took our own lawn chairs and it was a pleasant evening weather wise.

I did get my 1 scoop freebie from Baskin Robbins. I chose Pistachio.

2 weeks ago. July 11, 2024 at 5:12 PM

At 8:30 am this morning, I completed my 71st trip around the Sun and began my 72nd trip. Will I complete the new trip? Only God knows what this year will hold. But with every breath I take, I will live it with gusto and hopefully in a manner that honors God.

So here's the Challenge:

Help me celebrate my birthday by showing me or telling me how you will celebrate it. Will you get some cake and ice-cream? Will you go out to eat in my honor? Will you write me a poem or share a special song or story? Will you share a Scripture verse or inspiring quote? Will you show me a photo of what you think would be a good bdsm activity to experience? Will you give me a virtual public spanking?

So what will you do to help me celebrate my birthday today? I'm not looking for gifts, I'm looking for how you yourself will celebrate my birthday. However keep it public. No scathing private emails unless you are a good friend of mine. Now I'm off to take advantage of birthday freebies and discounts that I can find around town.

2 weeks ago. July 11, 2024 at 1:12 AM

The president of a company would only allow one certain employee to bring him coffee in the morning.

He asked him: "You've been bringing me coffee for 8 years now, and you haven't spilled a drop of it especially since you have to climb the stairs. How do you do it?"

He responded: "Well Sir, when I reach the bottom of the stairs, I take a big sip. Then when I reach the top of the stairs, I put it back."

2 weeks ago. July 8, 2024 at 8:21 PM

Cleveland seems to be a popular city for creating Hollywood films. The Christmas Story was filmed here as well as several others. Currently some of our downtown streets have been taken over by Superman filming. And Christopher Reeves son plays a reporter in it. So proud of our city for many reasons.

2 weeks ago. July 8, 2024 at 7:09 PM

I found a way to express a desire for D/s in my Vanilla Christian profile at a senior Christian website. I filled out all the vanilla info with photos and then in the category for who I was looking for, added the D/s there.

I emphasized that I wanted a dominant man who was the head of the household with a submissive wife supporting him and looking to him for leadership. Like what is found in Ephesians 5 of the Bible. It sounds vanilla, but any kink Christian would know what more it would involve.

I also reached out to one guy over there so far who lives about 30 min. South of me.

Just did this today so I have no responses yet. Looking for 65-75 over there. We'll see if anything happens that is worth it. 

I also reached out to 2 gentlemen at Fetlife but no response after several days. One of them I knew at the Christian BDSM website from 1999 that Taskmaster ran. So, I'm doing what I can to get something going that's worthwhile in my dating life.

2 weeks ago. July 6, 2024 at 11:20 PM


No it wasn't me. It was my dear college roommate. This is her 3rd marriage. Her 1st two were creeps and cheated on her. One even cheated with her own sister-in-law for Pete's sake.

She is the most beautiful woman inside and out and deserves the best earthly husband God can give her. And she finally got him this time around.

They grew up on the same street, their parents were friends, he is 2 years younger, and he had a crush on her growing up.

They met again at a party last year with mutual friends and hit it off so well, that they stayed in touch and their relationship developed over the past year. They decided to marry and today was that day.

My only disappointment was that I was not invited. I was a bridesmaid in her first two weddings but this time I heard nothing from her by way of invite.

I thought it was odd so I pm'd her on FB last night and wished them a happy marriage. She responded right away and said that she didn't want to force me to drive 40 min to watch her get married. She lives east of me. 

So isn't it the prerogative of the invitee whether to attend or not? I think she thought I was ill because the last time we talked, and caught up, I mentioned that I was seeing an oncologist and was anemic. So I guess she must have thought I was in a bad way and it would have been difficult for me to drive. 

Anyway, in spite of being very happy for them, I do sense a small cloud over me of not being there to support her and meet her husband. 

But alas, I've seen her get married before, so I guess that counts for something. And I told her that I want pictures of the blessed event!!!! LOL! 


2 weeks ago. July 6, 2024 at 7:29 PM

Homemade Unicorn Lemonade




Granulated white sugar: 1.5 cups

Freshly squeezed lemon juice: 1.5 cups (from about 20-24 lemons)

Water: 9 cups

Corn syrup: 2 tablespoons

Unicorn or color-themed sprinkles

Food coloring: Pink, yellow, and blue




 Dissolve the sugar in 1.5 cups of water by heating it in a pot until it boils, then allow it to cool.


Mix the sugar solution with the lemon juice and the remaining water in a large pitcher.


For the unicorn touch, divide additional water into three and tint each with pink, purple, and teal food coloring. 

Pour these into ice cube trays and freeze.


Once the ice is ready, prepare glasses by dipping their rims in corn syrup followed by sprinkles for a festive look.


Serve the lemonade over the colorful ice cubes in the prepared glasses.


Garnish with whipped cream and additional sprinkles if desired.