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lambsone's thoughts

Just things I think about or feel from time to time either from experience or observation.
22 hours ago. October 24, 2024 at 4:17 AM

22 hours ago. October 24, 2024 at 4:10 AM

Like Steellover, my story doesn't fit what ControlYourHole is looking for but it is nevertheless real.

I mentioned in a forum thread recently that I have no reason to deal with dark things anymore, but that doesn't mean that they don't have dealings with me.

My sister seems to be a ghost or spirit magnet. Since she divorced her first husband, every home she's lived in (3 now) has had strange happenings occuring.

In the first house this started happening in there definitely was a spirit there. Not only did her family experience it, but the previous family said that their girls would wake up in the middle of the night and see a man in a hat and trench coat standing at the end of their bed.

I experienced that presence one day when visiting my sister. She was at her kitchen sink, and I was just outside the kitchen hanging out in the doorway talking to her. I heard footsteps upstairs since I was at the foot of them. 

I asked her if her husband was home and she said no. Then I asked if her girls were home and she said no. So I told her I was hearing footsteps upstairs. She said yep. So I made a beeline into the kitchen away from the stairwell. Lol. 

They also were cleaning their garage out one day and found a tombstone in it. 

Creepy all the way around.

3 days ago. October 21, 2024 at 4:01 PM

This came into my FB Feed today and how appropriate it is in light of recent events for me.


4 days ago. October 21, 2024 at 12:51 AM

My cousin shared this on FB. I love it!

5 days ago. October 19, 2024 at 12:42 PM

Well Sir really put me through my paces Friday night. We cuddled and slept afterwards. I was happy to be able to deep throat better with his cock than a dildo. He says I only took him about 3 inches in my mouth but I felt him in my throat. I've not been able to do that without gagging. I did gag and threw up sometimes but I did have some luck not gagging too. It was a good night all in all. 

We are staying at a Super 8 till Sunday at checkout. Sir left at some point during the night but I discovered his absence at 5 am. Not sure where he is at, but he said today was going to be a long day, and he mentioned he'd go out and get some coffee this morning. There's a dunkin' donuts a block away.

He better not be filling up on donuts when I have a cornbread breakfast casserole with honey and sour cream waiting for him. Lol. 

And a full refrigerator of food .....

And all kinds of snacks .....

And ME .....

Can't show you Friday's Pic because it is too revealing but this is the package photo. It didn't look as good on me as it did the model but he liked it. I wore black fishnet gloves and black fishnet stockings with the seam down the back to complete the outfit. It was on sale at Lover's Lane for $8.00.

Well I better get some rest so I can keep up with that younger man the rest of the weekend.

1 week ago. October 15, 2024 at 7:25 PM

Encouraging words and video.

1 week ago. October 14, 2024 at 2:40 AM

Sir and I will finally meet on Fri Oct 18. We'll be together for 2 days and depart on Sunday.


However, Oct 19 is National Sweetest Day. So I wonder if he realizes that ... hahaha.


I plan on getting some fancy dessert to share with him on that day. But I'm sure he has a different dessert in mind. LOL!

2 weeks ago. October 10, 2024 at 7:09 AM

Strawberry Blowjob Shot


1 part Grenadine
1 part Coffee Liqueur (e.g., Kahlúa)
1 part Irish Cream (e.g., Baileys)
Whipped Cream (for garnish)
Diced Strawberries (for garnish)

Pour Grenadine:

Begin by pouring grenadine into the base of a shot glass to create the first red layer.

Layer Coffee Liqueur:
Slowly layer the coffee liqueur on top of the grenadine by gently pouring it over the back of a spoon. This technique helps keep the layers separate and distinct.

Top with Irish Cream:
Carefully layer the Irish cream on top of the coffee liqueur using the same spoon technique to create a three-layered effect.

Add a generous dollop of whipped cream on top of the shot. Sprinkle diced strawberries over the whipped cream for a fruity and visually appealing garnish.


2 weeks ago. October 7, 2024 at 2:42 PM

I wish I'd heard this as soon as I was born.

3 weeks ago. October 3, 2024 at 6:22 PM

Sir's assignment for me today was to do things that would please him. This is the first thing I did to please him today. I wrote a poem. The first paragraph is in reference to a comment he made that he wanted me to wear a dress in the garden. When I was confused, he said "Because I might want to 'take you' there." The paragraph about Scottish Heather is a reference to the Victorian stories I've been reading.


A Victorian poem for "country Sir"

By Melanie T. Campbell



Take Me


Take me in the garden,

Underneath the skies so blue,

Where puffy clouds live way up high,

Cast shadows on we two.


Take me behind the hedgerow,

At the gathering of a friend,

The secret delights you give me,

Seemingly have no end.


Take me in the Heather,

High in the Scottish hills,

Seeing you above me,

Gives my heart a swelling thrill.


Take me at the campfire,

As we journey to and fro,

Where the searing heat from logs aflame,

Cannot hold a candle to you.


Take me on the Terrace,

In light of the Harvest Moon,

Your soft breath upon my neck,

Encourages me to swoon.


Take me in the forest,

So dark and oh so dreer,

Where only woodland creatures,

With watchful eyes appear.


Take me in the church pew,

When all have gone abed, 

You are very naughty Sir,

So naughty, my breathless lips said.


So take me where you wish Sir,

Whether real or in my dreams,

There is no place in heaven or earth,

Where you have not taken me.