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lambsone's thoughts

Just things I think about or feel from time to time either from experience or observation.
1 month ago. July 14, 2024 at 6:14 PM

On my birthday evening after returning from the concert to a dark house, I dropped one of my hearing aids on the floor. I searched with my hands, and found nothing of course. So I gingerly stepped towards a light switch and wouldn't you know my foot found the hearing aid and smashed it to smithereens. So that has to be replaced.

So then yesterday I opened my car door and leaned in to get something but didn't clear the door with my face and gave myself a black eye. It's the left swollen one.

Not to mention getting myself beat up taming the jungle in my back yard this week with a hack saw and pruning shears.

I can only imagine what's going to happen when I get my chain saw out later to cut trees down. I've never used one before so there will probably be a massacre. I broke the starter button off my Black and Decker Rotary Saw and then lost the button, so I can't use that. (How did I do that? Ran over it with my car. I forgot it was on the driveway temporarily before I put it away.)

So I can't think that a Dominant would do anything worse to me than I end up doing to myself. I'm a seasoned masochist guys.

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