I have been writing poems, in the style I have posted multiple times since getting here, since I was 10.. I wrote My first actual novel (never published, never wanted to) at 12.. About a Boy abducted by an alien that explained to him the 'Mysteries of the Universe'.. This being ALSO had a girl, that the boy fell madly for.. The being gave them both an injection, after introducing them, that made gave them a lifespan 10 times the average.. Then this being dropped them on a planet they could thrive on..
I have a NEW novel I have been adding to for the past 8 years or so.. 'The Changing Of The God' Imagine the individuals that hold the places of God and Satan are considered too powerful for ONE individual each to maintain for long, so every other generation or so, a different individual is brought in to hold the position.. NOW, the twist, imagine the individual holding each position CHOOSES the being to take over their counterparts place.. GOD chooses SATAN, and vice versa.. NOW imagine the selection process being presented in the same was as Douglas Adams presented Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy.. BOOM