Of all the
things I own,
my worth is my
favorite possession.
~Melodie Godfred
Today I asked my body what she needed,
Which is a big deal
Considering my journey of
Not Really Asking That Much.
I thought she might need more water.
Or protein.
Or greens.
Or yoga.
Or supplements.
Or movement.
But as I stood in the shower
Reflecting on her stretch marks
Her roundness where I would like flatness,
Her softness where I would like firmness,
All those conditioned wishes
That form a bundle of
She whispered very gently:
Could you just love me like this?
~Hollie Holden
Just a gentle reminder to always remember your worth. Never let anyone make you feel that you don't have value! Remember there is no one in the world like you! You are unique! You are special! You matter!
We all have things about ourselves that we would like to change, but remember all those little imperfections make up wonderful you. Every scar, stretch mark, lump, bump, they are all battles you won, things you have conquered, and times you showed life you were stronger!
Though you may not think it's perfect, cherish the skin you're in. Remember your worth. Stand tall and hold your head up high.
Remember, you have a 100% track record of beating everything life has thrown at you so far. You are a warrior!
Lastly, I'm going to ask you this....if you look in the mirror....are the things you say kind? Would you feel comfortable saying them to someone else about them? If the answer to either is no, you may need to re-evaluate your self talk because you are Amazing!
Put that shit down! It's heavy!
Imagine how much lighter you will feel if you stop carrying around all that negative self talk! Ask yourself, is this really something I think about myself? Or is this something someone/society told me about myself?
We weren't born hating our bodies and ourselves. Think back to when you were a kid, learning new skills, and marveling in all the amazing things your body could do! Before you let the world decide who you are and de-value you.
Remember that kick ass kid inside you and embrace them! That is still you! You are still in there. Let their voice speak to you with all their excitement at what your body can do and who you truly are!!
Have a fantastic day everyone! Be gentle with yourself, you are a work in progress, not a final edition.