2 years ago. November 27, 2021 at 8:28 PM
Pleasing to stop the teasing,
till the synapse snaps
There is comfort in the fleeting -
refuge in the bleeding
appeal of broken caps.
Stolen parts and dodging darts,
fighting off prolapse.
Endless trapezing
and countless re-freezing,
But castles do collapse.
Beguiled and isled,
dont you look wild
stay, bodice, or basque?
Dawn your laces in all the right places,
Shame - they forgot to ask.
Understanding, forgiving
is not an easy task.
A lamb in wolfs clothing,
is far less foreboding
Than throwing off the mask.
I see the pain - I feel the wall,
Sea of turmoil - I see the small.
Lean on me - dont take the fall.
I feel your pain - I feel it all