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Name' sake

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1 month ago. April 1, 2024 at 5:24 PM

When I was a kid I used to walk to the general store about a half mile from my home to buy ice cream. One day I found an old bronze tone photograph on a piece of metal. I didnt know what it was so shrugged and tossed it. Many years later, I learned that that was what's known as a "tin type" - very old and depending on who the couple was in the picture,  may have been worth money 😔


Pictures, right? They capture moments in time - precious memories frozen in a frame.

In todays world,  digital and forever. (Whether you want them to be or not, lol)


Anyway, Id like to thank you all, who participated in my challenge - truly a blessing to see into the snapshots of your souls,

Thank you 🙏😌


MissBonnie​(dom female){oz} - there is something about old photos. I love old black and whites (hence my av LOL) On my wall at home I have ww1 soldier, its rather large (tried to convert sizes)Its about a foot and half x threeish foot. He was purchased at a market. No one knew who he was. There he was like you say a captured moment in time. A precious memory frozen in a frame...yet someone just disposed of him/it. It made me sad that man gave everything (maybe even his life?!?) and be just thrown away. I had to give him a forever home. We call him Ben as all we know of him is that the photo was taken Bendigo. We'll keep looking for his family but hes got one with us for now......maybe you tin type was picked up by someone that thought like me.
4 weeks ago
Jack in the box -
I very much understand what you're saying Miss Bonnie, yes 🙏
Thank you for sharing that, it is good that Ben is still remembered, if even in the heart of someone who never knew him.
4 weeks ago

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