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2 weeks ago. May 4, 2024 at 4:48 AM


The lovely Ms Body electric wrote a blog just a little while ago -


And I just watched this 👇 latest video 


I've spoke on this subject before.

Roles have become blurred.


Butt ☝️

For now I will just say

Mornin peeps!  👋🙂☕️

Drinfear​(dom male){Owns PFP} - Mornin, Boss.. Been a minute.. Haven't been in the best of health lately, but I'm up and about now.. Lookin forward to more antics..
2 weeks ago
Jack in the box -
Good to hear you're feeling better, my friend. 🙏
Morning to you as well 🙂☕️
2 weeks ago
body electric - 🙏🏽 sweet of you to mention my blog. Thanks. And for that you can have another cup of coffee ☕ 😌
2 weeks ago
Jack in the box -
Well thank you, kind lady 🙂😘🙏🌹
2 weeks ago
body electric - Great video discussion. I could say much on this but it could also go into a hundred different tangents. 👍🏽
2 weeks ago
Jack in the box -
Hangover Cafe - the floor is yours, please feel free 🎤
2 weeks ago
body electric - Well since I'm given the floor, a few questions that came to mind watching this commentary was, how do men determine their worth? Do they determine their masculinity / dominance based upon how well they provide and protect?
2 weeks ago
body electric - And if women can provide better (better opportunities and entrepreneurship), because this is not the 50s, and can protect ( second amendment) .. how do men show up? And of course this is for a percentage of women who feel they can handle everything.. right wrong or indifferent this is where we are in society, right?! This is not coming from a place of bashing men or hating men.. this is just a dialogue and a question (s). And this is no shade to any man or woman no matter what their position is.. just a discussion.
2 weeks ago
Jack in the box -
Very good questions indeed, thank you 🙏
Allow me a moment to put something on and get a coffee . . . ☝️
And I will attempt a worthy response
2 weeks ago
Jack in the box -
Mastery over ones self - and the ability to teach the same - and to provide a heightened, healthy and more fulfilling sex life.

The element of "weaker/stronger" is still there for the most part, but brawn no longer carries the relevance it once did - and will continue to become less and less relevant as technology progresses.
Butt ☝️
I believe mentality has shifted more than any actual shift. Just yesterday I had two women hold/open a door for me in my runnings around taking care of business.
Any five year old can open most doors but at one point it was a societal norm that men opened doors for women - and women expected as much.
State of mind.
Men today have lost their definition, and women played a part in taking it away.
It is easy for a woman to hold down a job and learn self defense and still remain feminine - a man does the same and it's "so?"
And as I stated in a previous blog - when you enter into the BDSM realm - men really need to be careful, because let's face it - a man can do time for looking at a woman the wrong way anymore.
(Sorry - needs to be said)

2 weeks ago
body electric - I would say, for the most part it's not so much that women have taken it away from Men it's more so women have lost touch with their own nature. Women have become less feminine.
2 weeks ago

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