~While I write this from my own perspective, I feel that the topic of empowerment is universal topic, transcending roles and genders~
A vision of a truly empowered person is an inspiring one, is it not? How about a disabled person who teaches themselves how to walk, or an openly gay man who can manage a healthy relationship and run a business, or a trans person finally happy in their own skin, or a person victimized by assault who learns to love themselves and trust others once again. These are all inspiring stories, and I feel that the desire to achieve empowerment is a common theme for those drawn to kink on either side of the slash.
However, recent experiences have provided me with a whole now outlook on empowerment. I have always considered myself to be a strong, empowered woman. I'm educated and confident. I have made a successful career in management in multiple male dominated fields. I teach and mentor kink material. I have a family and own a home. I am all the cliche things that you might think of when defining an empowered woman but all of that means nothing.
I am here to tell you that empowerment is not a prize you win because you have checked all the major blocks in life. It's not a trophy that you proudly display for all to see. Empowerment is a constant journey of ups and downs, a battleground of sorts. The most empowered person in the world can have the rug yanked out from under them, suddenly finding themselves questioning all the negative things they once could dismiss. It is my feeling that this journey of trial and tribulation, overcoming loss, and picking yourself up again is what leads to true empowerment. It is this process of rediscoving your strength when you are struggling with self doubt and the desire to just give up which will eventually, slowly, turn into self actualization. It is the understanding of the magnitude and the significance of your own achievements that results in life altering value, which eventually transforms into resiliency and confidence.
As I said, I can write on this from personal experience. All my writing is that way. I don't know where the future will take me or how I'll navigate my own journey to get back to where I was. Maybe I'll never get back to my strong, empowered self or maybe I'll become something altogether different, but I have hope. For now, I am appreciative that I have a blog, a strong community and a solid support network.