This has been rattling around in my brain for a few days. I know it will offend people, because nothing is ever not offensive to someone.
I just don’t understand how people are so open minded they are closed off to hearing another point of view. It’s mind boggling to me that people are blocked, muted, ignored simply because of a different opinion, a different approach. I understand being opinionated, hello…its me the crazy pink pussy hat wearer….but I still try to listen to things I don’t agree with. Its how I learn, grow, change, and/or become more confident that I am right!
I lost someone this past week, someone who was the best of us; someone the world will be a worse place off without them in it. However, I rarely ever agreed with this person’s politics and personal point of views, but I didn’t have to. At the end of the day we were still each other’s little shits and I’m having a hard time coming to terms with how unique that is. You don’t have to agree to like/love/care about someone a good person is a good person.
It’s so easy to walk away, block, unfriend, mute someone these days. It’s to the point that the other person/opinion/side is never known, never truly heard, and everyone just chalks it up to that crazy ----(insert description). I don’t get it and I don’t want to live that way. Yes, I get defensive and angry and crazy at the other side of my point a view, and yes I walk away from the discussion, but rarely ever the person. If I close myself off to them, I will never know what’s on the other side and that is stupidity, true ignorance.