It has been two weeks of pretty intense ups and downs. 4 the last 25 years I have worked in the medical community. I have my BSN now but I also have a little under two years of being on disability from a car accident. For the first time in my life I am looking at having prospective employers turn me away. I have never experienced this in my life.
I have post-interview employers not calling me back. People dodging my calls. Being lied to outright. It has been a horrific Journey.
So today I found out the my most potential for a job has five interviewees for one position. There's no way I'm getting this. So I said to her "I have an idea. Why don't you just take me on as part-time?"
She was very excited. She checked with her people call me back within 30 minutes and offered me the position.
This way I can at least start working. And I have it on my resume that I am actively working
It's not great but it's a start. I start Monday. We should be able to save the house. I will be calling every day to find out what they need. I will take every single shift. I will take every single assignment. I will make myself a massive asset that they will want to create a full-time position for
This experience has severely shaken my confidence. I am so used to employers fighting over me. Being able to negotiate salary because I've got three people who will I keep upping the stakes until I sign with them.
I have to keep reminding myself that this is all just the beginning. I'll grow from here and it'll get better or different.
Now it's time to make my way to where I was.