A few years ago I was getting my oncology certification when the teacher told a story.
They said that a patient asked them about cancer and sex. The patient was in their 70's. The instructor said they did not answer and changed the conversation.
Well, I wasnt about to let that stand. I raised my hand and explained that Self Serve , our local sexuality resource center, has books and classes for people dealing with illness yet still wanting fulfilling sex lives.
Ths teacher bumbled all over themselves.
I went on to say that it took a lot of courage for that patient to ask that type of question, and that we as medical professionals, owe them better answers.
Not talking about sex not only increases shame based thinking. It also stops people from learning about sexual health.
I read a story about a guy who had to have something removed from his ass every few months by the ER doc.
The Doc was giggling at the latest when the nurse walked up and told the Dr off. The nurse then went to the guy and had a frank conversation with the patient about flaired base sex toys. The patient was not seen again for a foreign object insertion.
We owe each other honest and non shame based conversations.
We owe each other better.