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My journey

I'm new to the lifestyle and looking for answers.
5 years ago. February 21, 2019 at 1:35 AM

Will it make sense if I say I'm on a guarded happy high? 


Sometimes the unexpected happens and you want to jump up and down because it's what you wanted in the first place ... But you don't, because you don't want to rock the boat that much yet, in your happy buzz.


This is a time to keep my level, logical, understanding, contemplating, forgiving, loving, wits about me.


This is a time for reflection. For clear plans. For continued goals.


The happy party will need to stay in my head for the time being. 


Bunnie - What if you never get to enjoy it because every time you feel happy you keep putting off feeling it fully. Sometimes it can be a mistrust. I say feel it and enjoy the moment. If it turns out to not be as great as it seemed, deal with that when it happens. Don’t let the fear stop you from enjoying your happy high... let out that girl who wants to dance and sing... and say “go away” to those who told her she couldn’t celebrate :)
5 years ago

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