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My journey

I'm new to the lifestyle and looking for answers.
5 years ago. February 24, 2019 at 6:13 PM

This week has been rough.


Daddy came back and we are working thru things. Which I'm happy about!! But we still have a lot of things to talk about and haven't had an opportunity to yet. I just can't feel settled until we do. But that's just the beginning of last week.


Then, old friends from back home lost their 17 year old daughter in an accident. They are only a few years older than me. I used to be around them a lot. I knew their daughter from infant to four or so. She's only a year older than my oldest. As a parent of a teen, this REALLY hit me. That friends my age lost their daughter. 


Then, there was the dog emergency yesterday that prevented Daddy from being here.


Followed by, my phone blowing up last night because one of my friends was feet away from a shooting last night. 


I just want a hug. And Daddys hand around my neck. Grounding and centering me. But I'm making due with my own strength and determination.


Last week is in the past. I'm moving into this week with a good book and delicious coffee. 😉

Last week is just a blip on the bigger picture. I'm just glad it's over and it's a new day.

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