Purpose. I have always had one . It can and has changed, as life changes around me and shall continue to do so. Purpose, the core of your life ... and man lives a weakened existence without one. It is my opinion that when a dynamic becomes the purpose, it is because it has become the focus of where we find happiness, (assuming that all emotions are an extension of having or not having happiness ). Not having purpose within the dynamic means an absences of synergy . Together a dynamic has each individual purpose plus a collective purpose, and significantly more happiness when working together . Having significantly greater energy than the individuals Create separately, the dynamic is then to be used to create the most desirable life possible for those within. This is achieved by understanding what creates happiness for the other and for the collective energy. If synergy is present it is your purpose and a Dom must learn the disciplines to build and maintain the dynamic . It is about making a dynamic into a living breathing work of art and then, by protecting the connections involved, in keeping the dynamic safe….The dynamic will become the ‘Purpose’ ..... If synergy is not present
… then your purpose has shifted.