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Plain Jane

Well I am just a plain Jane with simple thoughts. Bdsm is new and I love learning about it. One day I may have a relationship. I have tried a couple of times but have come to realize I get attached fast and that is not a good thing. So for now going to continue my learning.
1 month ago. July 9, 2024 at 2:00 AM

Well the weekend finally happened. The couple is married and off on a new journey and chapter of their lives begins. 

my son is going to be fine. I set the boundaries and those boundaries were taken seriously no one chanced my warnings.

me on the other hand well I’m not sure. I am a marine Corps kid…. We are raised you don’t cry and definitely not in public. Tears are not allowed to drop. Your eyes can water but no tears falls….. well folks I’ve been a mess all day I have cried all day on and off and let’s just say my face has been wet. I’m a weak pathetic person. I have never in my entire life cried this much.
I was used as a prank at the wedding I was Ostracized and made to feel like an outsider. I have never thought of treating anyone this way in my entire life and to be used by my own children this way was literally to much for me.
I know it’s because I stood up to my oldest son and I didn’t back down from him. But I can’t explain how awful I feel. My new daughter in law was no better and I learned how she truly feels. I was told to endure or I’d never see my grandchildren. I endured but I won’t be going to see my grandchildren. So I have paid the price. 


my tears fall because I know I won’t see my grandchildren because I will not ever let my oldest son back into my life. I will make sure my younger son sees his brother but I will not be there to be treated that way again. 

so my tears today are for not only how I was treated but because I had to decided that I do not deserve to be treated that way and I have to let that son go. I have to stand outside and look through the window with him because I deserve better. I pray he will be happy I pray him enough of whatever he needs to make happy always. 

so my youngest will be fine but I still lost one fifth of my heart. I can actually feel my soul weeping and screaming from this loss. Who knew our souls could


…………..god I wish I was an alcoholic 

Larsapan​(dom female) - You deserve respect, I'm glad you're demanding it of and for yourself, and I'm sorry it hurts so terribly.
1 month ago
Sir Don​(dom male){Nt looking} - That last small paragraph is totally uncalled for.
It pissed me off that you feel like that about yourself.
I see a punishment in your future
1 month ago
Sir Don​(dom male){Nt looking} - Good girl for editing this post
1 month ago
InATimelyFashion - Start saying better self words put peace in life and family. Sends some love.
1 month ago
I'mME - I don't understand what you wrote? You were the mother of the groom, they were mean to you at the wedding? In what ways? Said you would never see your grandchildren?

Your son never acted like this before?

They will be calling you when a baby arrives if they are fortunate to be blessed..

If y'all never had words, something was going on.

I hope you feel better.
1 month ago
flitter'fly​(sub female) - Your doing the right thing.
But what I don't like more than anything is the way you keep putting yourself down.
Your better than that.
Edit Edit Edit
This post.
And instead of writing all the garbage about yourself.
Instead maybe replace it with, I am a strong independent caring mom who deserves better or some such thing.

Your child will come around eventually. But it's his decision.
You need to keep to yours and hold strong.

1 month ago
I'mME - That last sentence had me howling. It crosses my mind sometimes, why don't I go get the biggest bottle of smoky bourbon I can find and AFFORD, and just drink shots till it's gone.
Then I remember, my budget would have me drinking Lord Calvert.


Chin up. 😉
1 month ago
Wandarae{Not lookin} - I’d be drinking that 1.98 bottle of hill top strawberry wine and after one glass be drunk enough to not care. After the whole bottle I’d be smashed and have a hangover the size and intensity of the sun. I’m a cheap date. 🤣. Today is much better and I have but myself into finishing my book. It’s mostly written but I’m going to put myself into myself. I’m going to trust the few that have read it and said it needs to be published. And another to help me try and publish it. The fact they believe in me this much boggles my mind. But if I can’t get what I need from those I’ve dedicated my life to maybe it’s time to go with what others see in me. Even if I don’t see it. Again trust issues but what have I got to lose. 🤣 if I fail I wi try again if I fail again I will try harder and if I fail harder I’ll just keep trying.
1 month ago
Sir Don​(dom male){Nt looking} - Life is always trial and error until we come across what fits for us.
Always keep trying especially after a failed attempt
1 month ago
I'mME - Wandarae,
I haven't had a drink since 2020. I have an unopened bottle of unopened bottle of Don Julio in the deep freezer going on 6 years.

The last sentences in you comment are how I live, day and day out.

And IDGAF who likes it, approves, it doesn't..I get up, dust myself off, and keep on plowing the field.

On some things I don't allow anything to push me down.

1 month ago
Wandarae{Not lookin} - My life motto……… not everyday is a good day but there’s something good about everyday. But some days I just want to cry. But because I was raised you don’t cry I hold it in and keep going. But this day I just couldn’t hold it in anymore. With everything I’ve been through this last year my mental and emotional state said you are done…. You can’t anymore…. But I correct d them and I am back and off running my feet have been in motion since I was born
1 month ago

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