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My journey

On my growth
4 years ago. August 13, 2020 at 11:46 PM

     I recently added to my profile something I never put there before.  I'm bi-curious.  I've been chatting with a very nice Domme and it made me think about why I haven't added it in the past. Was it judgment?  Am I afraid of what people might think or say?  At one point I may have been.  I remember thinking when I joined... I need to make sure my profile is perfect, sounds likable to all so that I will attract a good Dom.  In doing so, I may have missed out on meeting some people who would have found some traits about me interesting, if they had read my profile.. And passed it by. 

       I have come to a point in my life where I am comfortable with who I am. I'm confident about who I am.  If I put something in my profile or a blog that someone doesn't like, that is too bad....  I'm me... People can choose to accept me for everything I am or choose not to and keep moving. 

      I am happy I met a lovely Domme who doesn't even know she gave me another reminder, which I needed, to be who I am and be proud of it!


Take care Cage friends,


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