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The Stone Shelter

Even stone can be worn down.
5 years ago. March 26, 2019 at 5:23 AM

A few tidbits I've picked up from kicking my tin can down this graveled road for so long.

1) The major difference between Heaven and Hell on Earth is the company facing it shoulder to shoulder with you.

2) If you don't give a damn, who do you expect will?

3) A society, any society, is composed of the attitudes of its individual members. If you aren't part of the solution, you are at minimum a contributing factor to the problem.

4) You may catch more flies with honey, but there's always gonna be some sweet thing with a low taste for vinegar. (What the fuck? Seriously? I wouldn't put up with me!)

5) If you don't take care of you, you probably aren't going to be able to do jackshit when someone else needs you. If you don't care about them, then go right the fuck ahead and ignore your own self-care.

6) The surgeon general really needs to put out a warning that fucking with me about my smoking might be hazardous to your ears (at minimum). (Yes, I know what I said in #5. Bite me.)

7) Listening is important. Unless a woman is doing the talking. Then, you'd better fucking listen, watch, smell, feel, read the fucking barometer, develop ESfuckingP...

8) It ain't about waiting 'til the storm passes. It's about getting your feet wet and flipping the bird at the tornado coming.

9) It's always gonna be smarter to fight from the head than the heart.

10) Loving takes courage. Allowing yourself to feel worth being loved takes time. (More for some than others. *cough*)


11)  It ain't a competition.  Or a comparison.  Just be you.  The best you that you can manage to be.  And tell anyone that isn't good enough for to go play sit and spin on a large spike.


12)  It AIN'T a competition or comparison!  Expecting any person to be anyone other than who and what they are in order to fit your grand scheme is just plain stupid.  Helping them to find the best version of themselves that they want to be is alright, and even admirable.  Expecting them to be somebody they aren't?  Dumb.  And doomed to failure, eventually if not sooner.


Any road, I don't know. When I was a dumbass kid, I made the mistake of praying for strength, wisdom, and patience. I didn't understand at the time that to get stronger, you have to load progressively more on your shoulders until it hurts. I didn't understand at the time that true wisdom lies in knowing there is really very little you do know or the pain inherent in some discoveries. As far as patience... I'm still waiting for that shit.

I admit, I'm probably a tad bit sharper than a box of marbles at the moment. But, eh, what the hell.  If I can't peel back the top of my head and vomit my thoughts on the screen here, where can I?

May the sun be out of your eyes and the wind at your back for a brighter tomorrow.
May all that you give be returned to you threefold.
And may you never forget to live, laugh, and love each and every day.


Lotus​(sub female) - I love this, your style of writing is a refreshing read!!
5 years ago
NoOneofConsequence​(dom male){Taken} - Thank you!

I had by and large given up writing for...mmm... several months, anyway, before getting lured into The Cage.

And most of my stuff over on,, and was fiction. (That's my story and I'm sticking to it! At least until all statues of limitations expire!)

But, it's nice having my return to actually stringing together more than a paragraph appreciated.

However, I just realized, I now have a reputation to maintain! Oh, crap! (Begins to wrack brain for something interesting for tomorrows installment of Completely Cacophonic and Totally Meaningless Ravings of a Would-be Confessional Cowboy Poet...
5 years ago
Lotus​(sub female) - Oh, I will check them out, thanks. Your humor and honesty is definitely a refreshing read... I feel that it’s easy to take the subject (bdsm) seriously, too seriously at times, as it is so personal to us. But there are so many humorous parts to it too, haha. So, your blog is a reminder of that to me. Oh that more pressure? seems like it comes naturally to you!🙂
5 years ago
NoOneofConsequence​(dom male){Taken} -
5 years ago

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