Not sure if a lot of people have ever taken 4 lenses, but I am a green personality. Very logical, very matter of fact, logic rules my world. Other colors have bled in once I became a father, I did change, but logic still rules in my mind. I am not a writer, never have been. I have never blogged about a single fucking thing until I started blogging here. Until I met you, Princess. You see, I didn't know I could be this happy. I didn't believe you existed, until now. You really are my unicorn. I guess we never really discussed the difference between a Dom and an Alpha have we. I will probably piss off about half the population on here for discussing, but I don't give a fuck, so here goes(I really will sleep like a baby at night). I don't bark orders, I don't need to, I merely whisper and I watch you take off your clothes. You squirm when I gaze, smiling or not, you squirm. Doms want you to submit in the bedroom. You submit to me in Denny's ordering breakfast. You don't understand it, I live and breathe it. Sound cocky? It is, but I've dealt with it my whole life, I sleep like a baby at night. While I crave it, not once I have ever viewed your submission as a gift, I have viewed you as THE GIFT. I have always required a bond. You offered me forever. You offered me forever happy. You offered me forever fed. You offered me forever YOU. You offered me the one thing I never thought I could get. You offered me perfection. Never ask me why I chose you. It was perfection and infinity.
5 years ago. August 8, 2019 at 5:24 AM