No, not the kind of pain you all are thinking of: I got my wisdom teeth out last week and they still hurt. I also have a dry socket so ita extra painful. I've been trying to take as much meds as I can within the 24 hour exceeding limit, but it still hurts! Hence the reason why I haven't been posting becuase nothing has really been happening! I've been sleeping mostly, been taking vicodin but I'm trying to save them for when the pain gets to be too much, like today. And right now But I only have 2 left! I cant go back to the doctor until Monday becusse where I got them out is closed all weekend.
I have been drooling way too much for my comfort zone. Its disgusting. But Daddy has been over a lot to take care of me! He is so amazing, I love him so much!!!
If anyone has any cool tricks to help the pain besides medication please comment! Thanks in advance!
💕Kinky Kitten