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Hidden In Plain Sight

The philosophies and adventures of a girl, just trying to make her way in the world.
“I’ve done every damn thing in the book wrong”... this is the story of that journey.
6 months ago. October 23, 2023 at 2:37 AM

Shame is something I have recently been exploring within myself. Where it comes from, what triggers it, how it has impacted my life.

There was a belief behind this… a drive. If I could overcome feeling shame I’d be free. Free from caring about judgement.

It occurred to me this morning whilst reading a book from one of my favourite authors, that perhaps we never overcome shame… and perhaps we don’t need to. Maybe it’s in the acceptance of the discomfort of the shame that comes up when we truly bare ourselves to another, that we find peace. Maybe it’s the shame itself that indicates that we truly are being vulnerable. That uncomfortable feeling of being exposed.

Just some thoughts.

Sweetlydepraved​(masochist female){Owned} - I’m in agreement, it is something that you allow yourself to feel and know that regardless of how you feel it is your Owner that matters. I mean, I don’t know about public shame because that’s a different ballgame but in an intimate setting, part of it is acceptance of feeling what he wants you to feel in a given moment and you are valued because of that. It’s something I am going to have to examine the next time I feel ashamed of something.
6 months ago
mastercraig - i think its a 2 way street as well we have the oppertunities to discuss these thing our feelings and how we truly feel deep down and please do not feel guilty about the lifestyle is about caring and teaching as well as been open enough about how we feel
6 months ago
Sololoquy - I agree. The person I'm most vulnerable with, I've known for 20 years, and even now when I want to share something new that's very intimate or personal, it still feels uncomfortable. The main difference is that I'm prepared to feel that way with them.
6 months ago
Sweetlydepraved​(masochist female){Owned} - Bunnie, turn out chat back on please! I’m a weirdo who likes a clean inbox/bond and I delete everything 😂
6 months ago
Winters Kiss​(sub female){Collared} - Very comforting thoughts… I appreciate this.
6 months ago
CapnRick​(dom male) - Yes, Bunnie --that feeling shame is feeling truly exposed -- you hit a truth there! And of course there is shame buried somewhere in each of us, so no one is expempt from it--or the chance to expose it to expunge it....
6 months ago
ashlynspar - I am not sure if shame and guilt are the same, but I have a hard time facing these emotions. And you know what? I consciously call upon them, to sit with them, get comfortable with them, to embrace them. The more I resist them, the harder it gets.
Truly great post Bunnie! Acceptance of shame, yes, that is the answer.
6 months ago
slaveMikayla​(sub female){MstrJ } - "Maybe it’s the shame itself that indicates that we truly are being vulnerable." << uh huh.
6 months ago

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