Sometimes people hurt us, and they don’t even know it. They don’t know how or why, a lot of the time they may not even realize they’ve done it.
The question then is are they really the one who’s hurt us? Or are they just a mirror we’re looking into, reflecting the past and reminding us of a time where this hurt took place, bringing it back into our consciousness as a warning to be more careful, to be cautious of our reaction and therefore hopefully the outcome.
Just another way our inner selves try to protect us, by projecting this onto our future situations.
This in some ways means we are protecting ourselves from...ourselves, because our prior choices and actions led to the reason we now need to analyze and be cautionary with the next action. Sure there were other parties and factors in play, but the point is be careful because sometimes we can be our own greatest fans or biggest threats to growth and expanding our limits.