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Dancing in darkness and solitude

3 years ago. May 11, 2021 at 8:03β€―PM

I've never been much one for anger, I've always felt like it's something that's not supposed to be let out or shown. 

Having been disciplined as a child that expressing anger, disagreement or doubts was not allowed and if done in front of "others" would be punishable time and again.


If you ignore it enough it sort of goes away, hides deep down inside and becomes a kind of armor. A way to get some breathing space, the numbness settles in like a second skin and embraces you like no other.


Eventually you're so used to holding back, not giving in to it, you no longer know what it actually feels like to be angry. Little things spike you here and there but you keep it all locked up tight. Nothing sets you off because most walk away when they see signs of something stirring, and leave well enough alone. 


But over time your patience changes, you no longer accept the negative energy around you or allow things you did before. It makes you brutal, ruthless. 



And you start to slip away, to see things that you always knew were there but never really wanted to believe. Because somehow you hoped that you meant more than that. Because you know deep down you deserved more than that. 



And you know the time has come and gone, time to cut it away. 



Till what was left of you slips away, washed off in the memories. 






Grey Eyes​(sub female){Owned}Verified member - I won't let go of you. You are still there under the burden, so worthy. β€πŸ’πŸ’–πŸŒΉπŸ€—
3 years ago
Little moon​(sub female){Not lookin}Verified member - You'd be the first and only one πŸ€£πŸ€—β€οΈ
3 years ago
Sir Don​(dom male){Nt looking} - I beg your pardon.. just because we don't talk alot you know better than this
3 years ago
Little moon​(sub female){Not lookin}Verified member - Right he says as he *drops potato - oh look a flying bunny! Ribbit bounce πŸ€£πŸ™„πŸΎ
3 years ago
Sir Don​(dom male){Nt looking} - Hmmmm does someone need to stand in the corner ( it ain't me)
3 years ago
Grey Eyes​(sub female){Owned}Verified member - Little one I got your back. We can gang up on him.
3 years ago
Little moon​(sub female){Not lookin}Verified member - We can finally put that rope to good use πŸ‘πŸ˜
3 years ago
Little moon​(sub female){Not lookin}Verified member - Ain't me neither that's for sure πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ suppose you could line up the chickens and see if it's any of themπŸ€” it definitely isn't mama I know that much.
3 years ago
Sir Don​(dom male){Nt looking} - Lmao
3 years ago
Literate Lycan​(dom male) - I understand. That’s what I do. I put all my anger in a box. All my pain in a box. All my sorrow in a box. And put them on a shelf, thinking I’ll just keep them there. Until the day the box isn’t big enough to hold them and they all break free, cascading through me like a torrential downpour of emotion. It’s a matter of which one breaks first. Pain and sorrow were never the issue. But I always felt if anger broke free, I would release more than I should. Now I know, it’s healthier to let the anger, pain and sorrow go as it arrives. Don’t hold it in or store it. And breath.
3 years ago
Little moon​(sub female){Not lookin}Verified member - I try but somehow throat punching is frowned upon and not considered ladylikeπŸ™„ besides which I need to find a suitable outlet. Would love to start drumming, it's on my list ☺️.
3 years ago
HEAVEN'S STARCHILD​(switch female) - We have suppressed our emotions for so long, we forget what it feels like to feel anything. We become the walking dead of the living.
3 years ago

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