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The Chimera's Whispers

Musings, whispers, thoughts, opinions, murmurs, and lessons learned from someone returning to the Lifestyle.
3 years ago. January 5, 2021 at 5:27 PM

Firstly, I apologize for my lack of blog posts.  I've been very busy with passing holidays, and my job has picked up it's pace.

To begin, I'll say I don't have children, and frankly I'm very much on the fence of having children in the future. 
In return, I have 2 sugar gliders that are - essentially, like my children.

People sometimes scoff at me, or say "They're just tiny rats, what love can they give?" and usually those kind of people with those comments I pity; because they don't understand nor have they ever had that deep or intense of love or relationship with any animal.

It always surprises me, how much love animals can give so unconditionally. Without bias, or without underlying intent. Just pure love. Even in the smallest and seemingly "brainless" of animals.

Coming back around to my point: I figure I'd take a moment to share a sweeter, intimate moment with my Fur-babies.

This morning has not been a pleasant morning. I woke up with a jerk from my phone alarm and it felt like sin to leave my bed. The air was cool, and I had just hit that beautiful warm pocket where the bed is MOST comfortable... Figures.

I roll myself out of bed, and try to make a cup of tea, only to have the water spill onto my hand - damn near dropping the kettle onto my bare feet in the process of nursing fresh burns.

Managing to stumble back to my domicile/office (My bedroom) I manage to set up my work station and clock in.

I work in finance, so a lot of businesses are scrambling to finish their end-of-year business and get everything situated for the new 2021 year.
Translated:? I'm busy. Very very busy.

I can't/won't give deep details - but one very very large client has decided to take it upon themselves to issue an Email to their suppliers they do business with. Informing them of an upcoming payment. Most of them with high dollar amounts.
And of course - not issue the payment behind it. (Mind you I work with well over 300 client-companies. So one big one pulling this move is extremely cumbersome.)  So majority of my phonecalls today have been suppliers for this primary company. Questioning where their money is. This right after the passing holidays?
Everyone wants to be paid as soon as possible...

So I've been spending majority of my morning taking calls, using skills of soothing and ass-patting to reassure suppliers that yes; they are getting paid. Yes, we are speaking with the client. No, I cannot forcefully send the money since I'm with the issuing bank.

Then comes my sugar gliders. SUPPOSED to be Nocturnal. But Giliath has taken it upon herself to grab her favorite toy- which is her toddler baby keys. --Yes. They have toddler toys in their cage. Primarily this plastic jailer-ring with fake plastic keys of which, Gili has taken the obsessive shine to. -- and rattle them all over the cage, slap them against the bars, and in her attempt to hide them in one of the hidey holes- which might I mention is too small for them to fit- she drops them to the floor of the cage in a clatter.  Then, there's Ithildin is perched in her wheel, barking. (Yes, Barking.)
For those of you who do not know Sugar Gliders (which I imagine is a good many, since they're considered an exotic animal.)  The link below provides an example of a Sugar Glider barking.

Adorable when you first hear it. Nails on chalkboard, scratch at your ears, "I-will-not-eat-my-pet"- mantra inducing irritation after 2 hours of this. To boot, my suppliers can hear them on my RECORDED phone calls when I'm supposed to be working for a bank...
Damned it all.

When I finally get off a call and find a moment; I get up and tried to soothe them. Give them a treat, pet them, mutter to them "I love you, you assholes." and try to tuck them into their pouch for a good-day's sleep. Since it's pushing 11am and for whatever reason - they're still awake!

I pull on my hoodie and try to hide them in the modified arm rest. I had the openings covered with mesh and the top of the arm warmer has a zipper installed. So both sugar gliders can sleep in my hoodie in a make-shift pouch and I don't have to worry about them getting loose if they decide to wake up.
Nope. That wasn't going to cut it today. Ithildin zipped out of the hand-warmer and bee-lined for my hair to hide behind my neck. Giliath decided it was more interesting to jump back to the cage, run around, then jump back on to me, pee on my hoodie, and then go back into the cage. That's what she thought of the damnedable arm warmer this morning.

Needless to say, my morning was getting my blood pressure up. I managed to shake both marsupials off into the cage. Ripped my hoodie off, opened the cage again to try and wheedle them into their pouch so they would sleep.
Both of them raced back up my arm to my shoulder. Then down my chest and burrowed into my shirt.  Now, sometimes yes. They do sleep in my shirt, or they sleep in my hoodie.
Both tit-gremlins nestled in-between my breasts and managed to make almost like a hammock out of my tank-top and stare up at me with the most adoring eyes, then they gave me the "Sleepy squint" as fatigue overtook them,  then curled up and went sleep. It seemed today, they wanted "Tree-Mommy." (Me.)

Example of said "Sleepy Squint"  - Ithildin, 2016

I couldn't stay angry or frustrated. Instead, I felt my heart overflow and I cried a little bit. It's like they knew I just needed some love.  Placated and unable to be angry. How can I get frustrated or angry when I have them so close? 
So easily they took my crappy morning, and flipped it. It utterly astounds me how 2 tiny animals - can be so full of love and devotion.

So often people dismiss even the smallest animals as brainless or stupid. When that couldn't be further from the truth.

Regrettably, I cannot take a picture of both sugar gliders currently because they're deep in my tits, and frankly. Even if I did take a picture - you probably wouldn't see them past the bright pale white of my flesh.

So instead have a few better pictures.


(Yes, they are holding hands in that picture. I about died from the cuteness too.)




Have a good day, ladies.

And have a good day- reader/Cage Dwellers.

3 years ago. December 18, 2020 at 8:00 PM

When an Insta-Dom see's a new Sub on The Cage.

When a Brat pushes her Dom and he grabs the flogger.


When a Dom sees his sub bend over.


When you open a new toy-box and find the pristine new toy inside.


As a primal, you see your prey trying to flee.


Daddy holds up a new stuffie for you.


Got a caption that fits? Let's see it.

3 years ago. December 6, 2020 at 11:06 PM



As always, I gotta thank SSG for the awesome activity. She's constantly coming up with good ones. You can find her original blogpost here. 


Truthfully, I spent majority of time in bed. I've been battling a Migraine again, and it's just not wanting to let up - so I may be posting art belatedly since I didn't get to draw today.

But here's a few pieces I finished recently!

A roleplay character of mine named Nuri - She's a pyromancer, and usually is found running with her street gang. (What? Even superhumans make crappy decisions.)


A friend's roleplay character I wanted to draw. He's a bit of a crooked character- which is so much fun. Often times, people want to play the hero, champion. Villains have so much more fun~
Plus it was really fun to practice drawing a man's face instead of a woman's. This friend's character is somewhat effeminate. So it's a nice transition to play with!



And lastly; you guys have seen this lovely lady before. This is my bard character. Sassy as ever~



:::EDIT::: I Just realized they ALL have "The people's brow" lift going.  Whoops.

Here's a break in the monotony. A 'lil old, but a good expression I've made before.

3 years ago. December 5, 2020 at 6:53 PM

I can't help it. I've seen so many people enter such fantastic remakes of classic tunes, I just gotta go again!

The "Kinkmas" challenge is where you take holiday/Christmas songs, and swap the lyrics around. They can be as raunchy or as goofy as you want it to be. The Theme to stay within is "kink."

Everyone's invited to join if they want to participate!

Here's the link to my original blogpost~ Has my renditions of "Jingle Bells" Brat version and 12 days of Kinkmas.

(I think Master might enjoy this one.)
O Cum, oh ye subby.

O cum, oh ye subby
Forceful and so sloppy.
O cum ye, o cum ye to Master's hand.
Cum and be held by Him
Aftercare with stuffies!!!!~

O come, let us adore Him
O come, let us adore Him
O come, let us adore Him
Our Dear Master.


3 years ago. December 4, 2020 at 5:49 PM



This is an open challenge to all~ Take your favorite Christmas song, or Christmas Carol and Kink it up!

I'll begin. A couple examples.


Bratty Jingle bells-

Dashing down the hall~
With my Dom hot on my heels.
I said "No!" to his order
In giggle-fits and squeals.

HAHAHAH! (Oh shit)

That belt is gonna sting.
Especially when it hits my thighs.
Oh what painful fun it is
to be a brat all goddamn night.

Oh, being a brat- being a brat,
I'll push the rules to see-
I'll push the rules really far to see if Daddy will get mad with me~


12 Days of Kinkmas.

On the 1st day of Kinkmas, my loving Dom gave me-
A cute aftercare stuffie.


On the 2nd day of Kinkmas my loving Dom gave me-
two nipple clamps,
and a cute aftercare stuffie.


On the 3rd day of Kinkmas my loving Dom gave me-
three leather floggers,
two nipple clamps,
and a cute aftercare stuffie.


On the 4th day of Kinkmas my loving Dom gave me-
four restraints,
three leather floggers,
two nipple clamps,
and a cute aftercare stuffie.


On the 5th day of Kinkmas my loving Dom gave me-
(Sing this part obnoxiously loud) fiiiiiiiiive sloppy orgasms!~
four restraints,
three leather floggers,
two nipple clamps,
and a cute aftercare stuffie.


On the 6th day of Kinkmas my loving Dom gave me-
six open palm spanks,
 fiiiiiiiiive sloppy orgasms!~
four restraints,
three leather floggers,
two nipple clamps,
and a cute aftercare stuffie. 


On the 7th day of Kinkmas my loving Dom gave me-
Seven feet of rope,
six open palm spanks,
 fiiiiiiiiive sloppy orgasms!~
four restraints,
three leather floggers,
two nipple clamps,
and a cute aftercare stuffie. 


On the 8th day of Kinkmas my loving Dom gave me-
Eight minutes of corner time.
Seven feet of rope,
six open palm spanks,
 fiiiiiiiiive sloppy orgasms!~
four restraints,
three leather floggers,
two nipple clamps,
and a cute aftercare stuffie. 


On the 9th day of Kinkmas my loving Dom gave me-
A Cat o' nine tails!
Eight minutes of corner time.
Seven feet of rope,
six open palm spanks,
 fiiiiiiiiive sloppy orgasms!~
four restraints,
three leather floggers,
two nipple clamps,
and a cute aftercare stuffie. 


On the 10th day of Kinkmas my loving Dom gave me-
Ten headpats,
A Cat o' nine tails!
Eight minutes of corner time.
Seven feet of rope,
six open palm spanks,
 fiiiiiiiiive sloppy orgasms!~
four restraints,
three leather floggers,
two nipple clamps,
and a cute aftercare stuffie. 


On the 11th day of Kinkmas my loving Dom gave me-
Eleven submissive poses to learn
Ten headpats,
A Cat o' nine tails!
Eight minutes of corner time.
Seven feet of rope,
six open palm spanks,
 fiiiiiiiiive sloppy orgasms!~
four restraints,
three leather floggers,
two nipple clamps,
and a cute aftercare stuffie. 


On the 12th day of Kinkmas my loving Dom gave me-
Twelve Dynamic rules!
Eleven submissive poses
Ten headpats,
A Cat o' nine tails!
Eight minutes of corner time.
Seven feet of rope,
six open palm spanks,
 fiiiiiiiiive sloppy orgasms!~
four restraints,
three leather floggers,
two nipple clamps,
and a cute aftercare stuffie. 



Lemme see what you guys come up with. I have a feeling this is going to be absolutely hilarious.

3 years ago. December 4, 2020 at 2:35 PM

"Wear a mask,
Wear a mask,
Get your head out of your ass~♪♫"

Mrs.Potts went right for every Karen's throat in this.



3 years ago. November 13, 2020 at 7:13 PM

Afternoon Cage Dwellers.

I've noticed an upsurge in some naughty traits some folks have [and not the fun kind either.]


Shall we discuss? And no, this is not aimed at any one person, this is quite a few people I've observed over time be it on this site, or on others.


Passive aggressiveness is a big one. 

I have 0 tolerance for it. Passive aggressive actions/words only really serve to cause more trouble and stir the pot, but it tells me you don't have the spine to talk to me like an adult and tell me flatly you either have an issue, or you just don't like me. Trying to make snide little comments, or actions will only serve in meeting my silver tongue in a lashing, or just getting outright ignored.

It's quite alright if you don't like me. I didn't come to this site expecting everyone to be buddies with me.

I speak my mind, I'll call things as I see it, I'm confrontational, and I know I can be abrasive.

Not everyone likes nor handles that well.

But there's no need to act like an invertebrate around me. [Spineless. I'm calling you Spineless. Grow a goddamn backbone.]


I also have a low to no tolerance for willfully stupid people either. When I say this, I don't mean someone who is ignorant. There's a difference between ignorance and stupidity in my opinion. Ignorance, there's the chance to learn and grow. You can't know what you've never learned about.

Willful stupidity is more along the lines of shutting off the will to learn or grow, the incessant need to talk out of your assend just to hear [or read] yourself speaking. There's a refusal to stop, observe, or consider what's around, what's said, or what's happening.

Like I said. Willful stupidity. It's obnoxious and only shows how uneducated/uninformed you are...


One of the other traits I've noticed is compulsive lying.

I pride myself on actively listening to others. I observe and watch a lot. I've caught a few people mid-lie about different things. Not even big lies either: like saying they're single to a potential submissive they're interested in [when they told me they were married 2 weeks prior], but stupid little frivolous things. Like owning 3 cars one day when I had saw that person bemoaning their car was dead and they own no other vehicles to use a few days later...

Why lie? Just doesn't make sense. It doesn't make you look better, it doesn't benefit you, it doesn't provide any benefit to you or the other person. (Granted using lies for those things is still equally wrong.)  and commonly if someone will lie about small things, they'll lie about important things.


And a final one is childish behavior.
"Chimera, you're immature yourself..."
Notice I didn't say "Immaturity" in general. I more mean childish behavior such as leaving snide comments in historical blogposts you had to burrow into my history to comment on, deliberately trying to start issues with others, trying to spread rumors about others, or playground antics of base name-calling.

Sorry, I'm not here to babysit, or re-enact "Mean Girls" with anyone.



If you have a habit of these traits, chances are we're not going to get along and you're not going to like me much.

 Usually, (even if I dislike someone) I'll generally try to be polite, civil, and leave that other person be.  It's when you bring those traits directly to me or push me do I really go off.


What are some naughty traits you all have found in your ventures? I'm curious to see what others have encountered.

3 years ago. October 27, 2020 at 4:02 AM

I'm the light every night in your world.
Are you ready to watch me be legendary? '
Cuz I'm--

You wish on me in my glitter light.
First star you see tonight.
So wish away, wish with all your might!
Upon this radiant sight!

The stars ignite-
They flame from dust-
Born out of gravity and force, they combust.

And though they try in rivalry-
They'll never shine bright as me!

I'm the light every night in your world-eh-
You revel in the glory of my beauty.
Ya ready to watch me be legendary?
'Cuz I'm ultra-luminary



I watched the movie "Over the Moon" and the song Ultraluminary by Phillipa Soo has been STUCK in my brain, and I can't shake it.

So I figured I'd free-sketch while blasting it on repeat- this is what came out.



Which is interesting to me, considering that the Japanese and Chinese believe in Fox Spirits that can transform into a beautiful woman in order to trick others.
And the Finnish believe in "revontulet" which translates to "Fox Fires" which is known to us as Northern Lights or the Aurora Borealis~

Interesting mash of two cultures into one... I wasn't fully expecting it.

3 years ago. October 22, 2020 at 4:23 AM



Ok, but seriously...

Thank you to Max and Karyn for this interesting challenge!


I saw someone else post an aerial silks video as well~ 
My Dominant to me is King, and I his dark Queen- he controls the beat and tempo of which I ebb and flow.

3 years ago. October 20, 2020 at 1:08 PM

I don't know-- I read somewhere that writing unsent letters is cathartic and helps kind of "vent out" feelings, releases them, lets them go.
For whatever reason, when I woke up this morning. My mind was focused on my Ex's new girlfriend. (Well... I dunno how "new" she is - considering he had her on a back-burner for what I suspect was years.  BUT, anyways-)

I'm very angry, bitter, and outright damaged by the things he's said and did. I know I'll never get the closure I wanted.
I'm tired of this boy renting space in my head.

I've been working really hard to move past him, to move past what happened. As mentioned. It's an uphill road. So yes, there might be hostility in this letter. There might be kindness, there might be hared. I don't know what I'll spit out yet. I'm kind of a storm of emotions; that's part of the reason why I'm doing this. I figured I'd post it here, because I'm sure every woman/man has had at least one instance where they wish they could talk to the ex's new girlfriend/boyfriend. Or, if you're the new boyfriend/girlfriend. I hope this letter helps- despite it's potential bitchiness and hostility.

I'm hoping this helps me too.


"[Name Redacted],
I don't know you. Frankly, I really have no motivation to get to know you.
As you read this, you might smirk or scoff. Mutter something about how 'you won' him over me or something equally childish. (Just from what I glimpsed of you, you look just as if not more immature than my ex.)  I wanted to pose a few questions to you. Get your brain to think.

Whereas, you might think you 'won' over me, and how the evil "ex girlfriend" has been vanquished and you- the new founded princess- get to be with "Prince Charming." I'm warning you. He's just as much the demonic villain as he painted me out to be to you.

I can tell you what's going to happen. I don't even need to touch my tarot deck, casting bones, or other forms of my divination to tell you.

It's going to start wonderfully. Like a dream. Everything is amazing, and him? He's like something out of a dream. He's silly, dorky, loves traveling, seems well educated because he's been all over. (By my influence, mind you. He never left his own city before I came and had him travel with me to other Countries.) He'll talk about having a house together, getting married. Hell, he'll even drop hints to you he might pop the question in some grandiose way - because he's theatrical that way.
He's going to seem sweet, and caring.   This may last a few months, to a few years maximum. He'll lull you into the relationship.

Eventually, you're going to start feeling like you're... Missing something. Slowly, a hole is going to grow and develop - and you're not going to understand what it is, or why it's there.
Everything's perfect right? He's wonderful.

Then why is it, that you feel incomplete? All of a sudden, he won't hold your hand anymore in public. won't kiss you in the kitchen, or dance with you in the living room, pull you to his chest at night and hold you. Little things that seem so superfluous, frivolous even- are gone. And you didn't realize how much you loved those things until they stopped.

Soon, you'll come to realize that... You? You're kind of worthless to him. Appreciation is a thing of mythos. You'll help him as much as you can. It's not enough. 
He's still constantly unhappy be it by one thing, or another. It'll hit a breaking point.
It did for me.

Then. What will happen next, is all the devotion. All the love you've given. He won't even let you go properly. He's far too cowardly to look you in the eye, or break up with you like a man would.
He's still going to try and keep a tether on you by downplaying your relationship. Stating he thinks it'd be better if you two 'remained just friends.'
despite how much work and effort you had put forth. Despite the fact you two looked at houses together, were close to being married, and spent years together.

As soon as you put your foot down and break up with him like an adult should-  You'll realize that there's a new girl at his side. Where the hell did she come from?! But the way he interacts with her, the way the two of them are?
They've been together for awhile. This isn't a new relationship... He's had her on a backburner- hidden from you.

It'll be far too late when you realize. "Oh my God... He did the exact same thing to her." But I mean... You watched this happen to me from the sidelines. So I think you'd know precisely what I'm talking about when you start seeing similarities. Afterall, you were his fallback. You were the girl on the back-burner for awhile.
Which leads me to wonder a little bit what that entail... (Honestly, it's depressing to think about, I don't want to really know. )

because that's just how he is. That's his nature. The record may not play precisely like mine did. It'll be a new song- same underlying beat.  He'll come in, Mr.Perfect. Then decay into his true nature. Once you don't play into it anymore?  He'll try to string you along, and keep you. Too cowardly to open the door to the cage and let you go completely.

If he did that to me, and that's how he brought you into his life. What makes you think he won't do that to you next once he's through with you?
Do you still think you "won" over me?

- The ex girlfriend."