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The Chimera's Whispers

Musings, whispers, thoughts, opinions, murmurs, and lessons learned from someone returning to the Lifestyle.
4 years ago. March 20, 2020 at 4:58 AM

In relation to my previous blog post. How things kind of come full circle and return back to you... Some things I've mentioned, done, and said in the past are coming back to me again in my time with my Master. It happens far too often to not be startled or take notice. 

Plus, I'm also big on omens and symbolism, with a dash of superstitious too.

One big instance that made me stop and mildly freak out was at one point Master told me that home is where I am. When he's by my side, he's home... Years back, when I was in love with my ex - I told him the very same thing. Almost word for word... It kind of spooked me. Made me mildly paranoid (My ex was stalking me online for awhile, so for quite while I had my guard up.)

Another is the mention of The red thread of fate. Master brought this up on his own one evening. It made me stop once again. I had spoken of the same thing to me ex as well... Hell, back in the day I even made an illustration for him depicting such a belief in my youth foolishly thinking that he and I were meant to be. (In my defense, he dangled marriage like a carrot on a stick to keep me around, and for awhile I did think we were going to be married.)

For those who don't know: The red thread of fate is a belief that two people who are destined by fate to meet. Regardless of time, place, distance, and circumstance. They are connected by a red thread. The thread can tangle, extend, stretch, even contract. But, it will never break. This belief originated in East Asia, primarily China - they believed the Gods of fate (Specifically the Gods of love) ties a red thread to the index finger of lovers who are meant to be together.  There are plenty of other ideas of "Threads of fate" branching off of this belief as well.

Now mind you, reader. I'm not saying "Oh, my Master is the one for me! It's fate! It's destiny!" and all that star-crossed mumbo-jumbo I've seen a few other subs spout off. I do have some faith in such- but, more or less it amuses me that Master mentioned the very same belief to me when I had focused on such in the past.

It's not just on my end either. There's been a few times where Master has stopped and had to kind of shake himself. I've said and done some things that happened in his past that are very uncannily similar and came back to him in return.

A small example is he and I had a small tiff. He called it an argument- I told him I didn't see it like that. I saw it as a "Disagreement" because it was to me, a disagreement. I thought one thing, he thought another and we butted heads. But, it mildly weirded him out. He mentioned his own Ex had said the very same thing to him in the past. She didn't see arguments as arguments, she called them "Disagreements."


It's a jumble of different things that we keep discovering with one another. In a weird way, I enjoy it immensely, even if it is rather uncanny and even a little scary.

SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - Oh that red thread...yes, I've experienced that phenomenon as well. For me, it doesn't always mean that you are meant to stay together but to just have met. I have one man in my life whom I've not seen in 12 years, and yet, we still deeply love each other and when he opens the mental connection, I know where he is in the world and what he is doing. I can even see his memories....sightly distorted, but close enough to be 75% accurate.....and yet, we had only slept together once.
4 years ago

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