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The Chimera's Whispers

Musings, whispers, thoughts, opinions, murmurs, and lessons learned from someone returning to the Lifestyle.
4 years ago. April 6, 2020 at 3:03 PM

When in any kind of dynamic or relationship with anyone, you're bound to fight at one point or another.  I think a lot of "new couples" or "New marriages" hit those points and that's when their metal is genuinely tested. I've watched my goofy friends hook up, then break up just as quickly over a ridiculous fight of which - could have been resolved if both sides talked it out.

And I think that's the big key-point there. Talk. It. Out.

All too often I've been the "Middleman" in fights between friends, and they'll say something to which the conversation proceeds as:
Me: "Did you tell so-and-so that?"
Them: "Well, no..."

Piece of advice: Put your cards on the table.
Let the other see EXACTLY what's going on, don't hide emotion, don't hide opinions, (Keyword there. OPINIONS. Not insults. Slinging insults or pointing the finger of blame will just make the fight more heated.) tell the other person exactly what's on the brain, how it made you feel, and why you acted the way you have. Even if you're in the wrong, surely you had some reason why you acted like a doofus? - if you're wrong, still admit you're wrong. Just because you're being open and expressing your reasons doesn't automatically make you right.
Just be open.   It's you and your partner VS a problem, not you VS your partner.

                                                                                    Which leads me to my next part of my journal post.


Master and I got into a bit of a fight over the weekend.
He told me he needed time to think - which I respect. I know he's a deep thinker, and likes to have his thoughts in order before approaching a deep subject. So I let him have his space. The only downfall is he mentioned I was part of the reason why he needed space and time to think; get his thoughts in order.

Like him, I'm a deep thinker. When I know I've done something wrong, I'll scrutinize everything. I'll tear and shred myself apart. I won't sleep, I won't eat. I'll fret and worry, and be anxious.
Master took the evening to himself to think.

When he got back to me later the next day, I was a wreck. I won't give deeper details-
but I'll say that he had some life events happen that had him stressed out. I've been having some personal things happen that left me stressed out.  I acted out in a very petty manner against someone else, he didn't like it. He told me I had acted in a petty way, and he didn't approve of it. He was disappointed by me acting like that. But, he didn't tell me this until the next day.

I got angry.
I understand and I'll admit, I was wrong to act petty to someone else. But, with it. I was angry I had shredded myself apart that night over something that in retrospect, was minute. Frivolous, even. 
I put my cards on the table. I told him I was angry, why I was angry, what happened the night previous, how I couldn't sleep well, or even eat because of the anxiety.  I put all of our conversations and actions under a microscope to try and figure out what I had done wrong. I even looked and reviewed messages all the way back from February. Unsure how I upset him so much to a point he wanted space away from me to think.

I asked him to next time, just elaborate more. Tell me if it's something devastatingly awful or not. That way I can peacefully let him be and in the process, not completely rip myself apart over something that doesn't warrant me ripping into myself.

He felt terrible after when I told him everything- which wasn't my intention. I put everything out on the table so he understood where I was, why I was upset and angry. In the end, he put his cards on the table as to what was going on, why he felt the way he did, and why he took a step back to assess and evaluate his emotions. He had very good reasons why he wanted to take a step back and evaluate everything. Which isn't my place to disclose to you all. But, I can understand why he chose to step back, and I respect him more for it.
In future, together, we'll work harder and know how to better handle the situation if anything similar pops up like this for us.

In the end, we talked it out, we patched it up, and spent the tail-end of the evening talking and playing video games together before I had to curl up in bed.

J o l l y​(sub female){Nillaw♡} - Oh I just love happy endings :3

Also I love your art pieces.
4 years ago
TheChimera​(sub female) - I love happy endings too, and thank so much! appreciate it!
4 years ago
LolaRen​(switch female) - Glad you worked through it Chim! Great post!
4 years ago
TheChimera​(sub female) - Me too! and thank you!
4 years ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - *tears welling up in my eyes* oh sissy, I know how you felt that night. I do the same and I hope that someday, I get to the point you reached, being able to be that vulnerable with someone.

Your artwork is amaze me, in so many ways.
4 years ago
TheChimera​(sub female) - Aww Sis *Hugglesqueeze* you'll get there, I promise.

and thank you so much~ I have another BDSM comic in the works I'll be slapping up soon haha!
4 years ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - Hehehehe...I see what you did there....
4 years ago
UntitledHearts - I think this is a beautiful representation of why open and honest communication is key and that sometimes despite our best intentions, things can get away from us. Happy ending at the end of it all is the point exactly. As long as you communicate with your partner, then 9/10, the situation can have a good resolution. I'm happy for you, Chim. ❤️
4 years ago
TheChimera​(sub female) - Precisely. I'm thankful Master has the same mindset for open-clear communication, and has it set as one of "The laws" hehe.

Also, thank you! I'm glad we came to a happy resolution too! lol
4 years ago
Sensual City Girl{ForeverHIS} - “I put all of our conversations and actions under a microscope to try and figure out what I had done wrong. I even looked and reviewed messages all the way back”...I am guilty of doing the same. I take words literal to their meaning and being an overthinker and analyzing things isn’t always a good thing for me. Plus, I internalize. Daddy tells me to get it off my chest. I’m s work in progress. Lol

Glad you were able to have that open communication and be honest with him. Funny, how talking about things can clear things up. 😉
4 years ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - Same here....sadly.
4 years ago
TheChimera​(sub female) - Truthfully, I feel quite a few subs are guilty of this LOL
4 years ago
Redtailedkitty - This is such a well written blog.

Some of the worst parts of Daddy’s and my marriage all boiled down to not openly communicating. Had we, all that unnecessary pain, anger and mistrust would been avoided. And even though twice, we both thought it was over, once calmed down, we knew we weren’t giving up on each other. Some hard learned lessons there.

With Lobo, we openly communicate even though it often triggers both of us but it’s part of building our foundation. Getting everything out there. Learning how to communicate in the best ways for both of us. And most importantly we don’t let these miscommunications or arguments separate us. They make us stronger. We committed to this relationship, to each other. Neither are giving up. Too many do. It’s sad. Especially when you know there is something special there.

I really respect taking time to process before speaking. A skill I’m actively am developing myself. I have learned I have certain trigger words/phrases that I have requested be avoided and try to be cognizant of that for others. Like one of the worst things you can say is “we need to talk later” and nothing else. Um no. Either we talk now or give me a heads up on what it is. Because like you, I will over analyze and tear myself apart and shut down. And that makes communication that much more difficult.
4 years ago
TheChimera​(sub female) - Thank you for the compliment!~

I'm glad you still maintain those open channels of communication, even when it's difficult.

It's a lesson I should learn from Master, to process before I speak. To take a step back and assess before I react.
I'm very impulsive by nature though, so it's very difficult.
4 years ago
Redtailedkitty - It definitely isn’t East. I still mess up.
4 years ago
katerina​(sub female) - I am going through pretty much the exact same thing right now.. We are still in the ‘need space’ phase and I’m going MAD.
4 years ago

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