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Kinky interactions for the D/s inclined

A list of my meanderings into the world of kink
2 days ago. June 29, 2024 at 6:58 AM

You're not a submissive. Maybe you're a switch." No kidding, someone told me that I don't know who/what I am.

So much for being open-minded, non-judgmental and not putting people into proscribed definitions.

In a way, I get it. I'm not exactly a complacent sub. By no means would I consider myself a "brat." I do not act out strictly for the purpose of instigating some form of attention whether positive or negative.

However, I am a challenge. I need to challenge. The one who is to dominate me would be frustrated and walk away if they give me pointless tasks, or commands without a logical reason or expectation. So, I will question and investigate instead of blindingly following along. I can't help it.

There are times I can comply quickly and easily (as a proper submissive would); but there are times when I need the rationale behind it.

For example:

Dom: Each day this week, at noon, you are to close your eyes and turn around in three circles.
Proper Sub: Yes, Sir.

How it would work with me:

Dom: Each day this week, at noon, you are to close your eyes and turn around in three circles.
Me: Why?
Dom: Because I told you to do so. (again, sometimes this will work)
Me: That sounds silly. Why would you want me to do that?
Dom: You are racing through life. You take on so much responsibility, you forget that there is someone responsible for you. Noon is a halfway point to your hectic day. It is a time you need to remember you belong to me. By closing your eyes, you will need to think of me and picture me there with you. The turning in circles is to help you focus on the fact that while you can't see and may become disoriented, I'm still here and in control. It is safe for you to lose your balance.

Does this mean I am not a submissive? Does it mean I am not a good submissive?

To me, it means that I am definitely not the submissive for an average Dom.

I like to run. I like to struggle and try to escape. Once again, NOT EVERY TIME but I spontaneously seem to get the urge to flee. Maybe it is after dinner, maybe it is while being tied up, maybe it is while giving head; but the urge hits and off I go!

One of my friends said to me, "Don't you like it?" (meaning the play, wax, flogging, whatever). I said, "Oh yes! I love it!" She said, "Then doesn't running or struggling sort of defeat the purpose?"

I had to stop and think about that.

If I had a Dom who was more likely to think, I don't chase subs. If she wants to be here, she'll have to stay put. If she runs, I'll just leave I'd be incredibly disappointed a great deal of the time.

So, I need that exceptional Dom. The one whose drive to capture and conquer exceeds my drive to run and struggle.

Can the two be reconciled? Can a submissive be challenging, flee spontaneously and struggle against her Dom while still being considered a submissive?

Yes, she/he can. I know this because I am one. I'll consider myself an acquired taste and wait for the Dom who sees me as a gourmet dish worth savoring.

In the same way there are Sensual Doms, Daddy Doms, and Sadistic Doms, I'm my own class of sub. Anyone care to join me?

Inkling - Damn. I've been using "conquer" in my head a lot; you've just validated that lol. I have a strong personality so I wonder how many Doms actually want to climb the highest mountain or just settle for hills.
2 days ago
SubSided​(sub female) - They are there. But you have tio weed through them
2 days ago
SweetMango​(sub female) - I am much like you, as well. I need to understand the reason behind tasks and that reason needs to make sense to me, otherwise I lose interest in doing it. I've been called defiant and unable to trust his decisions. That's not the case at all! I just want to know and understand why!
2 days ago
SubSided​(sub female) - It really does matter.
2 days ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - Well, your definition of what a Brat is, in my belief, is.....basic(?) but I can see how some people may think of us that way. There's a lot more to it than that tho. It's about the mental chess game that we hope to loose. We WANT to loose, but we want to loose to someone who is worth it.

As for your need to run and struggle, that almost sounds like a bit of primal.

You can be highly intelligent AND a submissive. I ask "why" all the time. To whomever tried to "reclassify" you, they can go pound sand! They don't pay your bills so really, they have no power over your life.

Go be a flying squirrel if you's YOUR sex life. Fuck everyone else.
2 days ago
TopekaDom​(dom male) - Any "Dom" who expects a given submissive to roll over and show their belly right off does not know what they are doing.

It takes time and effort to get to that point. People are too much in a rush today
2 days ago
LoveandDevotion​(sub female) - I am much like the first point you made-- I usually need to understand why. Well, really always but sometimes I obey first and question later, but I always need to understand why. I also will object and reason with him-- for example if the reason why he's asking for Z is X, I'll sometimes ask him if Y wouldn't be more efficient? Or I'll point out why it would run into a logistical snag, like good idea but it won't execute well.

I am not remotely a brat and I don't flee at all. In truth I am massively clingy.

But I am highly intelligent and a big picture person so needing to understand the why before doing the task helps me actually get any meaning out of it. Repeatedly doing things where I don't understand the why would turn into boredom or resentment.
My Master loves my mind. He is delighted by my intelligence and often does take my advice.
But when he insists on his way, he insists. And I absolutely melt and cannot resist him if even after I object he insists. And that hasn't always been true in past relationships. There's something about the trust I have for him that goes so deeply I just melt. And part of that trust is knowing I am cherished for who I am, not just for what I do.
1 day ago
SubSided​(sub female) - Woman! Preach!
1 day ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - Agreed..preach it!

Mindless obedience doesn't yank my crank. You HAVE to get my brain involved!
1 day ago
SubSided​(sub female) - Trust. That is the key.
1 day ago
heykitten​(sub female) - I’ve never given it this much thought but reading your blog made me realize that I can relate to this a lot and that this might have been a problem with many of my past experiences. Like you, I need a good reason. The reason CAN be simply that my Dom wants me to do it but then his reason why must be explained to me. If it’s just “so I know you’ll jump when I tell you to”, that’s not good enough. And if he’s making me do things to help me with my own issues, it needs to be something we decide on together. I’ve had someone decide what they thought was a problem but I didn’t have trouble with and that didn’t work for me.

I think this is one of those things where communication is important and a lot of Doms don’t seem to have the patience for that.
1 day ago

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