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Once you are made REAL

I, like the velveteen rabbit, have been made REAL. I have gone through the process of seeing my own truest self and nature. I know WHO I am, and that can never be taken from me.
I am a slave hearted submissive with a heart the size of the ocean and an emotional capacity wider than the sky.
I am a woman of Faith, though a believer of the truth and validity many religions.
I am a singer, a trained chef, and an amateur artist of no remarkable talent ^__^.
I am above all else; myself, the velveteen slave.
The Man who "made me Real" has moved on from the chapter of my life, however I will always remain with the deep and abiding understanding of who I am; for "once you are made real you can never be made unreal again."

This blog is a catalogue of my journey. It includes the lessons that I've learned while walking down my path. It serves to help me remember those lessons that I might retain them. It is my hope that it can provide insight to others as well, perhaps spark an understanding or a feeling of camaraderie.

~The Velveteen slave; Faith; His Mikayla{MstrJ}

*The girl accepted MstrJ's collar on 2/10/22 and her new name; Mikayla <3
3 years ago. May 16, 2020 at 1:28 PM

*disclaimer: If you have not read the first two blog posts in this series, please move backwards in time and do so. It will not make as much sense if you do not know why I am writing this. Thank you. 


#2 Growth

ο δ ανεζεταστος βιος ου βιωτος ανθρωποι ~Socrates


You may not know it, but while this site is my HOME, it is not actually the site I've been on longest, or most actively. The place I most often frequent I host a thread entitled: Lessons Learned that invites submissives and Dominants to share the deep and meaningful or small and silly lessons that their dynamics teach them. Now, truth be told I do the majority of the posting (which is why here is home, and there is not), still, that says a lot about who I am and what is important to me. 


The unexamined life is not worth living. If you are standing still, if your growth as an individual, as a submissive, an *insert your descriptor here* is stunted and you are at ease... you are doing it wrong. Countless people; both living and dead, who are FAR more wise than I will ever be have attempted to get this point through to us. Marcus Aurelius said, "At dawn, when you have trouble getting out of bed, tell yourself: “I have to go to work — as a human being. What do I have to complain of, if I’m going to do what I was born for — the things I was brought into the world to do? Or is this what I was created for? To huddle under the blankets and stay warm? So you were born to feel “nice”? Instead of doing things and experiencing them? Don’t you see the plants, the birds, the ants and spiders and bees going about their individual tasks, putting the world in order, as best they can? And you’re not willing to do your job as a human being? Why aren’t you running to do what your nature demands? You don’t love yourself enough. Or you’d love your nature too, and what it demands of you.When they’re really possessed by what they do, they’d rather stop eating and sleeping than give up practicing their arts. Is helping others less valuable to you? Not worth your effort? When you have trouble getting out of bed in the morning, remember that your defining characteristic— what defines a human being — is to work with others. Even animals know how to sleep. And it’s the characteristic activity that’s the more natural one — more innate and more satisfying."

More recently and personally, someone incredibly important to me used to say over and over again, "You can only fail at being what you TRULY are." 



What does any of that have to do with growth? At my core I'm a student of life. I'm a servant of the universe. I'm a teacher. I'm many many many things, but what I'm not content to be is stagnant. Nothing makes my teeth itch and my skin crawl and makes me feel like I'm running internal circles and pacing the floor like when I'm forced to sit and wait ungrowing, unchanging, untended. 


A Dominant of mine once said to me sarcastically that I always sought out my "gurus". He bemoaned that I had better go seek my "lesson". He had a habit of paying me the greatest compliments in ways he believed were criticisms? *smiles*. Telling. He will be gratified to know that one of my greatest teachers and confidantes right now is an amazingly wonderful, brilliant, and protective woman. *sticks out tongue playfully at his memory* See, it CAN be a woman, it just needs to be one I feel I've got a lot to learn from, who is strong enough to teach me. 


Strong enough? Yes. More recently I was told that, "It's hard to raise a stubborn daughter." Yes, it is. I'm stubborn because I dont just learn on the surface. I will fight a lesson, fight to understand it, to understand every part of it. To conquer it, and then to own it. I'm not a sponge in my learning... I'm not a sheep. These are not judgments of others' learning styles, but acknowledgement of my own. I do not need a lesson beaten into me! It will not work. 


What will work? How do I learn? What do I need to learn? 

.... I do not know. It takes a wise, patient, and immensely intelligent Man to Master me. You can not do so if you are not my better. You can not do so if you can not stomach and APPRECIATE my need to truly comprehend. You can not do so if you have not the time, patience, or derive pleasure from watching one under your hand grow. It must be a part of who you are and what you need in your very core being, as much as it is mine. 


Here is the catch: Growth is, to my mind, a cyclical breathing exercise. It should be self perpetuating! My growth from things you bring to me should spark conversation, dialogue, action which in turn sparks growth in you. It is not a one way parasitic thing. If I can not and do not challenge you, if you do not see me as capable of teaching YOU and inspiring changes in YOU, then this is not the relationship for you either; for as much as I'm a student of life, im at my soul level a teacher. To be allowed the privileged of knowing that I have impacted your own journey is not a statement of your weakness, but of your strength and an acknowledgement of my own. If this frightens you, or is not something you want... then I am not something you want. I will never be haughty or prideful that I "taught you a lesson". it is HUMBLING and gives me a great sense of gratitude that you allowed me to have that connection with you. 


When are times that I have experienced this wonderful growth in my life? 

I had a Dominant in my life at one point who was wholly unlike anyone else I've ever met. I do not usually enter into relationships that it is clear they will never be anything more than online. Still, I was drawn to conversing with him from day 1. He was not emotionally open, which is also not something i'm usually drawn to. He was completely closed off. Our original interaction came because he complimented my username and welcomed me to a site. I thanked him and asked him why he was there. He gave me a very terse reply and said there are only two reasons a man is on a site like that: he is either socially inept or lonely and unsatisfied. I said that there was a third he missed. I proceeded to outline the third. His demeanor completely and utterly changed. He messaged me back in great detail telling me he had given me bones and straw. I had drawn on it muscles and flesh, color and life. 

He told me over time that he mat indeed give me a ladder to get over his walls, but that remained to be seen. Over time i asked how many rungs it would take to climb that wall. So I crafted a ladder... a very small very intricate ladder with many rungs and sent it to him. When i would do something that massively pleased him, and brought me one step closer to being over that wall, he would tell me i may add a step to the ladder. I put many roses each hand-stitched onto the ladder, every time I'd gain a step. 

This Man was one of the greatest teachers on my life. I saw his face only twice (if you ever read this, i hope you have continued to work on your smile) and heard his voice only once. He did however, give me the gift of his TIME only sparingly. He taught me me many many many lessons. The greatest of which, I believe, was about the ages of love. I had no idea that love had distinct ages. It helped me to understand so very much. I will be forever grateful to you; Mr. Richard. Thank you for allowing me to climb that wall. Thank you for sending me on my way when you felt it was the time for me to continue my path. 


Another time I learned a painful lesson: I had asked my Master to take care of a situation that was painful to me. I had asked him to be an intermediary between myself and someone else. However, in the middle of it, i replied to the person he was dealing with at my bequest. When he knew he sat me down differently than any other time in the past. He told me alright, his hands were off. He would no longer deal with this matter. I sat silently and cried. He asked me if that was fair? I choked out a reply: "No, Master, please. It is not." "why not? Clearly you believe that you can handle this situation better than I can. your actions say that you do." "No, Master, I do not. I'm sorry. You are right, my actions said that, but it was wrong. I do need your help and wisdom in this matter. I can not handle it alone. It is too big and too scary for me. Please, do not give the responsibility back to me. Please help me carry it." ... and he did. This may not seem in keeping with my saying that I would let POSITIVE memories dictate my needs. How is this a positive memory? The growth and closeness that hard lessons bring deepens the trust in the relationship. After that I never attempted to "take back" a responsibility he had accepted to carry and one I had offered to him. The lesson hurt, the relationship grew. Thank you, Grumps, for teaching me what it truly meant to give in and let you carry the weight. 


Finally, I remember one time my Master sat me down and told me "Sit down! You are not to move from that spot until you can tell me exactly what is wrong with that sentence. You are not to move. you are not to distract yourself. Think. You have it in you to make this lesson take as long or as short as you desire. You are capable. You have the answer. Tell me when you know it." 

So I sat there, on the floor of the office i do believe I was damn near naked though luckily it was not cold at the time. It took less than an hour for me to come back to him and say, "When I say the words "do you understand" it questions your dominion over me. It questions your knowledge of me. It questions your ability to lead me. When I ask "do you understand" it is a clear sign of doubt. Lastly, when I say "Do you understand" it puts the emphasis in the wrong place. I should be a bit less concerned with whether you understand, and far more concerned with whether I do. If you do not understand something you will find a way to ask it, or know it, before asking me to do something. I have acknowledged you as my Master, by doing so I acknowledged your understanding of me... asking this calls that into question. I am sorry, Master." That answer helped us grow and work together towards the growth he needed from me with farrrrr less difficulty. Thank you for truly knowing me. 


I need you to: discover the parts of me that are stagnant. Identify places that i need to grow. Have the wisdom to know when it is the right time to help me do so. Decide how best that growth should happen. Praise me when i have succeeded. Correct me when I have fallen from the path you lay. Push me and hold me accountable if i am not keeping up the pace. Punish me if i have been willful or obstinate. Hold high expectations of me. Have mercy when it is warranted. Be my biggest supporter in my struggles. Take the time to clearly set out the expectations for growth, make sure i understand them before jumping to conclusions about my failures. Be man enough to adjust expectations and admit miscalculations. Give me ways to make you PROUD. Never accept less than what will make you proud to be my owner... because I'm responsible TO the relationship, to you. You are responsible FOR the relationship, for me. 


~The Velveteen slave. 


Needs Series Index: 

Taken to Task:

#1 Time:

#2 Growth:

#3 Seen, Heard, Understood:

#4 Safety & Consistency:

#5 R.E.S.P.E.C.T:

#6 Love:

#7 Acceptance:

Finale: The tamed to the Tamer:

Follow up: The Gauntlet: EARN ME!


MstrJ​(switch male){~ENM~} - Wow, that is truly remarkable. I have been reading through your posts and I have thoroughly enjoyed your perspective. I find for myself my focus is on trying to be better than I was yesterday in some small manner. No matter how tiny or insignificant I just want to be a little better than who I was. I really enjoy your thoughts on learning, time, and growth. We all have been through a lot, and it's amazing to see someone willing to look at the most difficult things in their life and take away something positive. I hope to be able to instill this in my life and continue to grow. Best wishes for you and your personal journey, and I truly hope you find what it is you are searching for!
3 years ago
slaveMikayla​(sub female){MstrJ } - Thank you very much. I truly appreciate knowing that my words help in some way. Focusing on the small ways you can be better every day is a very positive and worthwhile way to approach life. Well done. I fully support this outlook. Thank you for your wishes, I'm not searching at the moment. I'm just healing. In truth, I'm deeply hurting. I am trying to pick up the pieces and put the puzzle back together. it will take time, and I have to be kind to myself as I do. At the moment i'm sitting at my computer with tears quietly streaming down my cheeks. I just changed the sheets for the first time since he left me. Though he was never in them, they still smelled of him. Though he never touched them, they still were covered in him. I feel instantly broken and empty, angry and confused all over again. It will pass, but I believe in honesty. In all honesty, at this moment I'm hurting. At this moment i desperately wish he would pick a different path. At this moment i am still begging myself to wake up and find this is just a nightmare. Then I must remind myself that feelings like these are good and right too.
3 years ago
MstrJ​(switch male){~ENM~} - I really respect how open you are, that can be such a hard struggle. But I do understand in many ways. 3 and a half months ago my wife and I separated after 10 years of being together. I had an exceptionally difficult time handling my emotional state, and I am hoping to connect with interesting people to begin building friendships and the process of healing. If you are ever interested in having a conversation I will always listen. I'm sorry that you are struggling today though, and I hope you find the strength to continue on in positivity. You are a beautiful soul and everyone deserves to find happiness. I understand implicitly that sensation of wishing it were just a nightmare, some dream that isn't reality. But we all have to face what's in front of us, good or bad. Life is what it is, and we can only do our best to thrive and endure some situations. This community is full of amazing people as I'm sure you are aware, which can help battle some of the storms. I have been very fortunate to meet amazing people here that have truly transformed me. So I wish you all the best on your journey of healing.
3 years ago
slaveMikayla​(sub female){MstrJ } - I'm terribly sorry for your own hurts. Yep, we do understand one another. Thank you for sharing as well. Yes, this community is truly unique in the genre, and I'm very blessed that I found it once upon a time. I may go through quiet spells when I've not much to add to the conversation, or times when I need to put my focus and energy into my own life and relationships, but it will probably always be *home*. I am still holding out a bit of hope that he will indeed have a change of perspective and come to see ours as a path still worth the work. you are very correct that it is not productive to focus on what was or could be, only what is... except that sometimes we need to have mercy on those we love and give them space and grace to fight their battles knowing that "Home" still exists. The door has not been closed on them, should they decide that it is indeed the Home for their soul.
3 years ago
MstrJ​(switch male){~ENM~} - For myself I have just started to begin to be more vocal. But when I first joined the community I made a splash and then took some time to work on myself. I didn't post comments or blog much, but I'm feeling like we can help each other improve we just need to be willing to talk about it. So I'm trying to be more open and forward with the people here, as I want and have made some really good friendships already. I truly hope given time things work out for you but unfortunately in my situation there is no chance at reconcilation. But I made my bed, by my own terrible actions. I choose and acted and destroyed the trust that was given to me. I hope to be able to write a blog about it in order to release some of the emotional turmoil, but that will take time and rip open some deep wounds and open myself up to criticism. So one day I plan on sharing my mistakes but it's not quite the right time just yet. Although I am extremely fortunate that despite how everything turned out, we are very amicable, still remain friends and actually live together because our situation demands it for the time.
3 years ago
slaveMikayla​(sub female){MstrJ } - Thank you for your own honesty. I'm very proud of you for your willingness to admit your own painful mistakes. It is so much easier just to blame others, especially online. You could easily paint yourself the victim, no one would be the wiser. I trust you will receive far more kindness and acceptance than you expect when you finally are able to write that blog. Before you begin to worry about the judgement of others, I suggest a quick read on Marcus Aurelias' take on the subject. ;)
3 years ago
MstrJ​(switch male){~ENM~} - The thing is lying has destroyed every relationship I have been in. Shocker huh? So for me I am trying the path of brutal honesty which isn't something that I normally did. I was passive aggressive and in many ways a very unhealthy (emotionally) person. I think it's finally been bashed into my brain that the only way any dynamic can truly flourish is to bring honesty about who you are. My past is not pretty because I painted it with the ugliest brush, and I can't hide that. So to those that wish to get to know me, this is apart of who I was. It would be a disservice to those I call friends and to those genuinely interested in creating something more with me. We all have demons in our closets, the nice thing is I have gotten rid of almost all of mine so opening the door into that dark space isn't as terrifying anymore.
3 years ago

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