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Once you are made REAL

I, like the velveteen rabbit, have been made REAL. I have gone through the process of seeing my own truest self and nature. I know WHO I am, and that can never be taken from me.
I am a slave hearted submissive with a heart the size of the ocean and an emotional capacity wider than the sky.
I am a woman of Faith, though a believer of the truth and validity many religions.
I am a singer, a trained chef, and an amateur artist of no remarkable talent ^__^.
I am above all else; myself, the velveteen slave.
The Man who "made me Real" has moved on from the chapter of my life, however I will always remain with the deep and abiding understanding of who I am; for "once you are made real you can never be made unreal again."

This blog is a catalogue of my journey. It includes the lessons that I've learned while walking down my path. It serves to help me remember those lessons that I might retain them. It is my hope that it can provide insight to others as well, perhaps spark an understanding or a feeling of camaraderie.

~The Velveteen slave; Faith; His Mikayla{MstrJ}

*The girl accepted MstrJ's collar on 2/10/22 and her new name; Mikayla <3
3 months ago. June 13, 2024 at 3:14 PM

So this is going to be unusually brief, but I'm about to walk out the door. Today is a big step for me, might be relatively minor for a lot of people, but for me, it's huge. 


Today is the first day of summer vacation WHOOHOO! Another year down in the books. It's been a fantastic year. Not the topic today though. 

Today marks 13 days till I'm on a plane.... and the first step towards making relatively real permanent physical changes with MstrJ in mind. 

So I turn 40 in two weeks, and I'd said for a long time that I fully intended to give myself a very specific birthday present in the form of fixing some physical issues that year. 

Nope, today is not the day I get my mom boobs fixed. That's still a ways down the line... but I AM having my first forray into any form of plastic anything. I'm excited. I'm terrified. I'm losing my mind. I HATE needles. I love Him with every fiber of my being. Soooooo last year I got braces and fixed my lower teeth (my uppers are already gorgeous.) I love my eyes, they are beautiful. I am lucky I really don't have that many wrinkles and certainly nothing I'd worry about fixing. I have an adorable nose and beautiful cheek bones. So long as I keep up with my bike my jaw line and neck are really pretty. ^__^ However, honestly I have itty bitty lips and a tiny mouth which do suit me, but as I get older my lips seem to get smaller and smaller. Sooooooo today I'm going to go get lip filler. I'm excited. I'm fucking terrified. 

I used to have a literal phobia of needles which I got over with pregnancy. I used to sit for bloodwork saying aloud "I love my son I love my son I love my son" to manage to have the needed tests. So today I'm going to sit there and mentally say "I love my Master I love my Master I love my Master" and pray the entire damn time that it comes out well. 


Wish me luck! See y'all on the other side! 


13 days and counting till home!!! 

(and looking forward to *cough* well... hopefully added bonuses 😉 )

His slaveMikayla



Got home an hour ago but it took this long to be able to be functional. Holy crap that hurt. It was an interesting sense of camaraderie in the place. Most places you go here people don't exactly *talk*... but in this office sitting there I had more "real" conversations with women than I've ever had here. It was really interesting. The procedure itself was really really painful, I'll be honest. I legit cried and almost tapped out at the end. The positive side is the clinic itself was very clean and I'm 100% sure that what was being used was real and safe (which could be iffy here, so that's worth it even if the doc himself may need some updating on his technique cause good lord. )

So I was only able to get half a syringe in this time because my lips are so tiny. I think I watched him evaluate the feasibility of mine *at all* in the beginning. So I go back in a week to get the rest done. 


banditswild - Yes!!!!! I'm so very excited for you both!! Hang in got this!thus!! Before you know it, it'll be over before you even realize it!!! Remain 💪 🎊 👏 💐 🥳 🎊
3 months ago
slaveMikayla​(sub female){MstrJ } - Good lord it hurt. I'm making it through, but THAT was rough @__@. We will see in two days how it turned out... and then I get to do it all over again next Thursday. Doc could only put half the intended amount in because my lips are tiny. Before and after pics on Saturday cause right now I look absolutely ridiculous
3 months ago
MsDove​(sub female){Eternal Pi} - I hadn't realized how painful that procedure is. At 68, my once full lips have thinned and are no longer even. Kudos to you for doing this procedure. I hold you will be happy with the result. 1/2 might be all you need now to be in proportion. ❤️
3 months ago
slaveMikayla​(sub female){MstrJ } - See, that's where I was at too. I'm not 68 yet, but I can definitely see my aging most clearly in my lips... and for me, one of the most "fun" things for me is to wear very bright lipsticks. It works with my skin and eyes. So taking this step was logical. I think that if you are in the West your experience would likely be better than mine pain wise. I also ended up getting my monthly the day after(it's irregular as I'm on birth control injections) . They warn you to steer clear of that timeframe as pain is felt VERY differently at that point. So I unintentionally did myself no favors.
NOW... the pain rollercoaster was STEEP meaning: at the time I about tapped out. The whole night after I was regretting my life choices. However literally 16 hours later I was MUCH better. By the 24 hour mark I was no longer in a world of regret... and today at the 48 hour mark I can safely say it was not as bad as all that. Today I can eat, drink, and speak relatively normally. I can touch my lips and it's not painful. They are not "normal" yet... but pain is not a thing. They actually feel incredibly sensitive in a GOOD way. I was joking with Him before work that it's a shame I'm still here not there because damn I'd love to try kissing and fun times with this sensitivity. ^__^
He and I are discussing potentially comparing the "here" process with the "there" process and seeing how the cost/result/process/pain ratios work out. Then deciding if this is something W/we will maintain annually or if it's a "for important special occasions" kinda deal. If it's the same pain wise and result wise then W/we'll keep it up here (1/8th the cost) and probably keep it up. If it's significantly different/better there then it might be a "for special occasions" thing... but that's certainly His call to make <3

I think the one I'm personally most nervous about but excited to see is when I manage to get my chest redone. I definitely did not appreciate my boobs enough when I was younger ROFL.
3 months ago

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