5 Day Body Positivity Challenge – Fetish Style!
Let’s get positive about our bodies and all the fetish fun they can bring us! Each day we’ll focus on a region of our body. Pick a part of that region and share why you love it – fetish style!
Day 1 – Arms (hands, fingers, forearms, shoulders, etc.)
Day 2 – Legs (thighs, calves, feet, knees, etc.)
Day 3 – Head (tongue, lips, hair, eyes, nose, etc.)
Day 4 – Torso (belly, back, chest, breasts, nipples, etc.)
Day 5 – Genitals (anus, cock, clit, balls, vagina, etc.)
Feel free to copy and paste to your own page or answer in the comments.
What I love about my body today:
Day 1 – Arms (hands, fingers, forearms, shoulders, etc.)
I love my elbows because I can press them deeply into my bottom’s bottom or back in delicious sadistic massage!