3 years ago. December 18, 2020 at 2:39 PM
I am...no seriously! The worst question to ask me is...what do you do for fun? Luckily, people don't ask as much because of Covid 19, but it still creeps in once in a while. Firstly, I hate that question because I'm almost always broke and secondly, my sleep sucks, so most of my life is chasing sleep I'm never gonna get back, and thirdly I am like a cat. I lounge around and get snappy when people get too close. Feed me, pet me a little, but please let me have my space I guess is how I am. If I'm nestled with a book on a cold winter day with some sweets beside me I'm pretty content. I live in my head mostly anyways and have the best fantasies there...so yeah! I'm a fat, boring cat....meow!🐈