i read interesting blogs, i read emotional blogs, i listen to music in blogs that i may never have heard before, i respond to some blogs and love some. Sometimes i even see into your soul and i dont even know you.
Master would say "T what is your fucking point."
my point is choices in life rule your happiness.
Only you decide.
Yes there are things in life you have no control over and they can be devastating. i understand.
happiness is the state of being happy.
"she struggled to find happiness in her life"
*Advice Below*
This comment is coming from an INFJ-A
Advocates have an inborn sense of idealism and morality, but what sets them apart is that they are not idle dreamers. These individuals are capable of taking concrete steps to realize their goals and make a lasting positive impact.
i realize that there are very few people that think and process life like i do.
i always have a choice! You always have a choice!
So i am offering advice which can be futile but i decided to share anyway.
Happiness is a choice. When events challenge your happiness the direction you choose decides whether you will find continued happiness.
Just because you are submissive does not mean you give up your choices.
Just because you are dominant doesnt mean you control all of your submissives choices.
Both want to be happy, both need to be happy.
Or you are single, trying to find that partner that makes you happy?
Umm, not really!
You decide if you are happy, no one else. You!
Happiness is a choice! Your happiness is your responsibility. Don't expect anyone to provide you with happiness.
i am a happy person, all day everyday. Even on hard emotional days i make a choice to be happy.
Way, you might say. You are miserable because someone hurt you. How can you be happy?
Because i choose to look beyond that hurt and move on to a happier place.
No one can hurt you unless you let them!
Happiness is a choice!
i wish all that read this blog: