The 5 things I don't like about myself:
1) My procrastinating nature... Why do today what can be put off till tomorrow! 😂
2) My lack of empathy, compassion, or sympathy... Outside my personal ring, I rely heavily on my ^AngelBunny^ to let me know when to shut the fuck up and say/do nothing.
3) My current gut... I've put on 10lbs more but omg can the girl cook!
4) My ability to brood... like for weeks if left unchecked
5) My rage... Though chalk a lot of that up to beast, it's still something I have to fight with.
The 5 Things I like about myself:
1) My commitment... I'll try everything before giving up when I feel there is so much to be gained.
2) My logical and analytical brain... Most see problems where I see solutions.
3) My ability to adapt and overcome.
4) My self awareness... I know me. I have checks and balances to keep the better parts to the front, even it it means relying on somebody else to help.
5) My humor... Life's too damn short to be serious all the time.
**Note of recognition:
My ^AngelBunny^ is helping me through all of the top 5, whether she realizes it or not. She's really an amazing woman though even she'll admit there are times when we need a third to help! 😂😂 What can I say? I can be a bit much at times. 😉😋😈