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Priest of Sanguine

Tales of what helped create me, out of order, and no animals were hurt in the creating of this blog!
Most Tales are based on my real life with Fantasy and/or Fiction included to protect identities as well as enjoyment for
those reading. Names like "Bunny, Rabbit, Squirrel" or variation thereof, are not referencing actual Cage member names.
Its how I view my Prey from the stand point of a Primal and Hunter.
If Cage member names are use: 1) it's with their consent. 2) will have ^ before & after the name.

All Stories told are unique and your comments are greatly enjoyed so please do comment.

For those who play Skyrim: Priest of Sanguine is not a reference to the game its a reference to my life style choice ^,..,^
Go grab a drink, maybe a snack, sit back and enjoy the Tales that I delight in telling... even the hard ones.
2 months ago. February 17, 2024 at 8:17 AM

a couple days ago, I spoke of taming Elephants.  I'd asked for what it said to you as an individual, if it had any similarities that you noticed in your own life.  I also stated that I'd reveal the purpose today.

Unfortunately I tend to start writing and things take a life of their own and what was meant to be simplistic with a few nuggets of insight, became a five page write up in explicit details that would probably be more graphically terrorfying than most could handle.  So to keep it from being likely yanked off the blog board.  Here we are at the fourth attempt.

Keep in mind that what is being said does not apply to everyone.  Everyone has different levels in their journey and I am only speaking from my experience and knowledge.


Much like the taming of elephants, society does the same damn thing, passing on the banner from generation to generation.   From the moment we being to understand how to create movement we are in a taming process with "No" and "oh you so good" becoming our training.  Is it a bad thing?  Nah.  People need structure and general consensual understandings in order to have any hope of society.  As is evident in the current collapse of what we are seeing today. People desiring to redefine words to fit their own agenda instead of facing reality and moving forward with life... The reason we see such bullshit is our tolerance of stupidity, which has come about by removal of parents from teaching their children on critical thinking.  When critical thinking is removed, the flow of questions and curiosity cease and that is the shackle holding us in place.

The majority of children are in a system, taught by strangers who are forced to teach what is told to them by a government beuricrate, whether they believe in it or not.  If the child ask a question that could be counterproductive to the lesson, they are silenced.  Politely or rudely doesn't matter in anything but how you are left "feeling", so long as ya shut up, sit down and fall in line.  This isn't limited.  It's the pier pressure, which is the sheep trying to force you to think how they do, speak like they do and follow blindly just like they do.  The mom or dad that can't answer a question so instead of researching with the child so that all may grow, it turns to verbal abuse and "because I said so".  I myself have done it with all of my four imps at some point. I'm tired from work, I don't feel good, I'm irritable and "because I said so" is the easy solution.

And this is the heart of it ... We have become a lazy people.  It's the simple way to place an iron shackle on the ankle of an infant elephant and walk away.  It'll figure it out in time.

At what cost?

It was ripped from its family that it witnessed being butchered.  Forced to stand in place for hours or given a small enclosure to roam. Elephants are intelligent beings with a memory surpassing a human, so at what point do we think they stopped thinking?

At what point did we?

Removing the ability to question, leads to the inability to communicate, because silence learns nothing but self degradation.

"No question is a stupid question"... I call bullshit! There is no such thing as a stupid question that comes from a critical thinker, agreed.  The younger the asker of questions, the less stupid they are because they come from a lack of experience and knowledge.  But Critical thinkers consider multiple angles, logically determining that if the possible is removed from the equation then one must turn to what is seen as impossible and consider who what when where, why and how it's impossible.  Then reverse engineer the situation.  However critical thinking is a learned skill best taught to children.  Instead we continue to do the same damn thing, regurgitating the same lines of bullshit and expect a result that is mind-blowing and life changing.

For some, when the ability to ask questions has been so far removed and they are left alone in silence for what is too long for them, outwardly they appear more docile and compliant but in some cases what is happening is they are learning the lesson of the unspoken language... A child not talking is still thinking but it's thinking things it's afraid to ask because of past treatment to previous questions.  

When this happens the intentions no longer matter.  The words, no matter how genuine, now have double meaning and someone is now the author and creator of psychological masochistic.  The simple "I love you." Becomes cringe.  If you love me, then why am I silenced? The twisting of the knife is when one is set up to fail... Asked to do a task unbefitting of their skill level and then turned into a verbal punching bag for failing.  They go from asking too many questions to being "stupid, idiot", and any other degradation and humiliation that can be tossed on top.

The learning child goes into their teens and sometimes beyond, hearing the words and understands that this... Must be the truth.  The reason they are silenced from questions is because they are too stupid and therefore the questions must be stupid.  They must be the only one who even thinks so stupidly... And down the rabbit hole they go until something clicks inside the mind and the pain of neglect, abuse and abandonment becomes their life to which they clinge and find comfort in.    To such a one, your pity is food for self degradation... If they was stronger, better, smarter, you wouldn't have pity for them, so they repeat the same words and do the same task because in reality they find safety and comfort in the treatment while at the same time they are trying to talk in an unspoken language crying out for help but what is given is the same shit they heard from those with the responsibility to teach them.  If your words and actions are something you was taught as a child... Ask yourself, are these people fucking adults now?  Think about what you're about to say.  Are you talking to a child? Are you degrading them publicly, in their stupidity for not knowing what you see is obvious logic?  Think critically.  Break away from the shackles of society normal and do the unthinkable.  Go into the mire where they are and talk their unspoken language... I understand what it looks like.  To the outside world it's vulgar, abusive, and sometimes horrifying but THAT is where they live!

*Sighs and takes a moment.*

When Pity is food to fuel the reoccurring self degradation.  Empathy is a motivator to repeat the cycle... All that kind, oshy goshy bullshit is a trauma bomb wrapped up in a pretty little box with a cute little bow...

Am I saying, Don't be you, in all your sensi talk?  Fuck no.  You do you because you never know who your words might land on in the right moment or the positive change that it may cause.  So please do not stop being the empathetic voice calling from the light into the darkness.  Do not stop with your sickening oshy goshy bullshit... Today may be the day that a hand appears from the darkness in an effort to hope again.

Who knows where I'd been without the empathy of Tygress or the sacrifice of the heart and body of Trembling Rabbit who's romantic fantasy was an endless barrage of oshy goshy bullshit.

What I ask is that you critically think before you speak.  A psychological masochistic looks like any other down on their luck, bubble head who should know better.

I use to be one.  I still struggle from time to time, but I evolved into a sadomasochist and was then pushed to hard by life and became a monster.  I walk in the darkness, listening for those who speak the unspoken tongue, while honoring the few promises I have made to ghost.  I have walked in darkness too long to endure the light, I acknowledge this but others do not have to be shackled as I once was... So every now and then, when I hear a voice calling out in the darkness, and a sprout of Fuck burst forth from the barren soil of my blackened borrowed soul... I go to where they can hear me and I extend a hand.  I know it's ugly, it hurts your eyes to see but it is up to them, to take it.  I appear scary to some, an asshole to others but am I?  Or do we but speak in different languages while seeking similar goals of safely freeing just one elephant.

(Psst the answer is yes, I am an asshole... But not all the time.  Sometimes I'm the cock looking for a little anal. 😘)

And to lighten the mood


Feel free to respond in the comments, bond or messages.   I've stomped that little fucking sprout back down, pissed on it and lit the bastard on fire, but I do enjoy a good conversation all the same.



Jack in the box -
I think you and I went to school together Max
Good write 🙏
2 months ago

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