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The Isolation Diaries

Just some thoughts and musings whilst remote working in self isolation...
4 years ago. May 15, 2020 at 12:46 PM

Happy Friday cagebots,


big things happened today, house is now paid that’s something.


Also had a bit of an odd experience last night.  I experienced what can best be described as a drygasam...Think it’s got summit to do with my don’t go mental pills.  Anyone else know why I’m talking about? It’s hard to explain, kinda coming without out actually comming?  Anyways probably over sharing again.


anyways that’s all for today, till next time...may the force be with you, always.




BigBubbles - Never had it happen but have heard of it before. Could very well be medication.
4 years ago
Lion​(dom male){Hazel Eyes} - First off congratulations on the house being paid off. Second yes I've had that happen, medications can cause all sorts of issues with sex, that one along with not being able to climax at all. Stress can play a part as well as the medications and with all that has been going on nowadays there's plenty to go round. Find something to take your mind off the bs, relax, meditate it shall pass. Big hug to you. 😊
4 years ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - happens. There is also a similar experience that happens with prostate milking but I only read about it and that was a while back so I can't remember all the details.
4 years ago

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