I want to be tied up
I want to be suspended
I want to be in rope
I want to be connected
I want to be challenged
I want to take you on a journey as you tie
I want to be valued and appreciated
I want to be accepted with the body I have
I want to be challenged to be a strong body
I want to be challenged
I want rope on my body
I want the feel of its compression
I want to connect with the person placing it
I want to grow
I want the peace and stillness that comes with rope
I want the peace and stillness that comes with the one who places the rope
I want connection
I want trust
I want value
I want to be seen as beautiful in rope
Please let me be your bunny
I will work hard
I will value connection
I want rope
I want the person who can connect with rope
I want the person who can connect with me thru rope
Rope is my voice
Rope is my stillness
Rope is my peace
Rope is my challenge
Rope is my encouragement
This is what I seek
Who will take a journey with me
Who will connect with me
Who will be open and honest with me
Who will see me through rope
I want rope