I do not give any fucks this morning about who does or does not like the things I am going to write here.
Someone writes a monologue/diatribe which basically says that everyone who enjoys, participates in, lives, thinks D/s needs to see a therapist.
No one even blinked an eye at this blanket statement. People that are unable to link things together, who are unable to figure out why they do or say the things they do, may benefit from therapy. Although I have seen time and time again people making the same choices after being in therapy for a lengthy time. It's arrogant and judgemental of somone to make the statement that ''trauma'' leads to BDSM, and if the people reading this do not see how this is an insidious thought process, then maybe D/s is not thing for you or the person who wrote the piece.
I wrote a short comment expressing my thoughts and received a reply that deliberately misquoted my words. I chose to correct one part and knew my time would be wasted at correcting the rest of their comment in which they did this several more times.
Then I see that i have been blocked by this creature.
Yes yall are free to block any fucking body you desire. What kills me is there are few here that start bullshit (it must be that they are not used to someone standing up for themselves and in their trauma filled existence view people such as myself as the devil)
I retired my pitchfork some years ago, unfortunately. However, I can still read, some days though I wonder about whether a select few from here can.
When I write something, one does not ever need to worry, be paranoid, imagine, or be traumatized and think that I made a mistake and meant to write something else.
Maybe a schedule coule find time for an extra visit a month, working on APOLOGIZING when they twist someones words up.
Block, Block, Block, Block, Block
I never contacted you, never would have. The results of your actions though prevent me from setting the record straight. No worries, I guess i will keep trust in those that read well, to see exactly what happened.