I met you at a time when my reality was shifted and you dared to care.
A very strange notion dared to care. And at this moment while I am writing this, I still have no idea why. So I decided to initiate operation avoidance because I knew if we became closer I would become emotionally bonded to you. A rare occurrence out of my control.
Operation avoidance failed. I couldn't stay away, though our conversations still few in number. After we talked, I slept for the first time in two weeks. That scared the living shit out of me. I opened up to you because you made me feel safe. That scared me even more.
But you are involved in a messy situation. And I am not one to raise my hopes. Sister or lover? What form of interest? Protector or Master? What do I want you to be?
My head, sequential, and ordered is now confused and jumbled because of you. And you have no idea, but I will never tell you.
I met you at a time when my reality was shifted and you dared to care.
From Me,
To You