Before you get too deeply engrossed in the following piece please bare in mind that absolutely nothing will make sense and no point will become clear in any way, shape or form. The language will vacation in places that normal, well behaved words would never dare to be seen by polite society. They will be “slumming it” so to speak so please do not alert the authorities or attempt to interfere in any way. Avoid making direct eye-contact with some of the more complicated words such as “myocardial infarction” as we have no way of knowing how they will react to such blatant observation. Please, do not touch your screen. There have been rumors of certain flesh-eating grammar running about and we should like to avoid any sort of epidemic. Finally, please remember that if you should ever get lost anywhere within this article you can always find the exit near the period at the end of the last sentence. (Exit)
You were warned.