During this journey of self- discovery I’ve learned many things. One thing about BDSM is there are a lot of terms in the lifestyle. I’m trying to learn a fairly decent amount of them and came across “Switch” while I was learning roles and titles that people identity as. I learned a switch is just that a person who identifies as both dominate and submissive.
As I read I asked myself if I could be with someone who was a switch? Would I want to be? Does it matter? At first I thought no until I came across a well written article written by Vega North that states “Parts of the BDSM culture idealize the idea of relationships with constant shifts of power. This means that one person is always in control, and the other person is not. Instead, dominance and submissiveness can be seen as a dynamic. The power is the concept that gets passed around and determines the roles.”
After reading this I understood what a switch was but don’t think I could ever be with one. When I first discovered BDSM one of the things that appealed to me so much wasn’t the sex, or bondages, or anything of the sort, as someone who is highly inexperienced sexually its actually a bit scary. But what did appeal with the complete power that was given up and the comfort, freedom, trust, structure, and peace that came with giving that power up. With that being said I don’t think being with someone who also enjoyed giving up power even a little bit of the time would work because I don’t want to have that power.
Thinking out loud.....