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Highway to hell

My journey in life and the good and bad that comes with it. But mostly music.
3 years ago. January 20, 2021 at 4:05 PM

I was recently called a toxic person and I admit at times I can be toxic just like anyone else. But it got me thinking and analyzing because that’s just how my brain works. This person said a relationship with me would have been very toxic and it probably would have been and not just from my part. You see, when I analyzed the situation I realized that while I have had toxic relationships in the past I’ve also had very nice and relaxing relationships in which I’m still friends with my exes and some even want to get back with me despite it being years since we broke up. I came across one conclusion from all this, some relationships will be toxic because both people will show their toxic side. So while this person was right that I was toxic, I found him just as toxic as me. We kept feeding each other’s toxic nature without really realizing it and we kept arguing all the time. 
The point is, if someone calls you toxic or a relationship with you being toxic, it’s not just your fault! Some people are just not meant to be together as both are very toxic. Some people just feed each other’s negative side and toxicity. If you ever see yourself arguing too much with your partner or crush, you should walk away! There’s a reason for it and a hint that the relationship won’t work. Don’t be stubborn or feel obligated to keep the relationship going. Break all ties with that person if you have to or try and see if a friendship would be better. Sometimes a friendship will work instead of a romantic relationship. Another point I’d like to make as it fits this lifestyle is, dominants if you see the person can’t submit to you at all and fights back every time you show more dominance then walk away, submissives if you feel you can’t submit to that dominant walk away. Don’t feed a relationship neither side can really keep up. You will just end up creating such a toxic energy that little by little all the positive emotions will turn negative and both of you toxic natures will come forth and destroy everything and end in a lot of hatred and sarcasm. But most of all DO NOT let someone say you are toxic when they too are toxic. They ARE NOT better than you are. 

Based on the contents and title of this post it’s only logical to post this song 


sensuousgent - Thank you for sharing this. I have learned that it is so important to follow your heart/gut/instinct or whatever you call it. If something doesn't feel right, then it probably isn't. I wish you blessings on your journey and I trust you will find the right person for you, who will be the opposite of toxic: loving and life-giving!
3 years ago
MelMell​(dom female) - I have found that in my subs. They aren’t toxic at all and we are very compatible. Just that at times in life you find people you are very interested in but you both end up being damn toxic together. Not everyone is meant to be together.
3 years ago
OraclePollon​(sub female){NotYours} - I agree. My insight is, any toxic person can bring out the toxicity in anyone. It does not mean toxic is your nature, just that you are capable. Chances are, one person if the formula will go on to induce toxicity in much that they come across, like midas and the "golden" touch. Just because you ended up in their grasp temporarily, dont let it make you think falsely or forget about who you are without them.

I have been toxic in relationships because of my want to reach out and support someone, where I am non confrontational, level headed and capable with people I am not intimate with , the wrong intimacy can confuse me in how I am expected to engage, which results in toxic behavior.
3 years ago
MelMell​(dom female) - I’ve found that almost everyone has a toxic side and there’s people that bring it out in you more than others. I get some toxic traits when the person keeps sending me mixed signals. One moment hot and the other cold but instead of simply saying “it won’t work out between us” they keep saying everything is fine and to keep going. It gets annoyed after a while and my negative emotions come out.
3 years ago
Johnny slave sub​(sub male){I'd most w} - You are so right in knowing that all people aren't meant for each other. Some might do well in being your friend, but fail disastrously as a romantic interest. Often, I believe that if one is toxic...the other is perhaps toxic as well. You find your subs quite compatible, rather than toxic. As a true sub male, I've most normally found the Dommes I've known to be quite compatible. Non toxic. Maybe there is something to this...less toxicity between those in relationships within our lifestyle? ???
3 years ago
MelMell​(dom female) - It honestly depends. I’ve had a few instances of becoming a bit toxic with some subs since we didn’t see eye to eye and we kept bringing the worst side in the other. I’ve also been with people considered toxic and we have worked out pretty well without bringing toxicity in each other. So really it depends on how you get along with the other person and if your emotions stay positive or become negative as for me my toxicity comes from negative emotions.
3 years ago
Johnny slave sub​(sub male){I'd most w} - You make a wise and good point there, so it really depends on the two. As a saying goes. takes 2 to tango. Well, it takes 2 to really communicate honestly and relate more in a positive manner.
3 years ago

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