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Embracing my chaotic thoughts and asking for opinions…..

Living, loving, writing, sharing, seeking. Embracing the moments and the thoughts that come when living in them
3 years ago. February 6, 2021 at 1:08 PM

It’s winter in my part of the world and with that comes the bleakness of cold, lonely days.  I’ve seen many posts lately about this.  Let me say one thing here and now....You are never alone!!  Reach out, make friends, listen to the silly voice in you instead of the serious one.

 I have/had been in a bleak world for a long time and in 2021 I decided to live in color.  I’m making choices to change, to grow, to become.  I know I am blessed beyond measure with very dear friends and family who are helping me find my colors....warning I might be neon 😉. If you feel like you are in the dark then remember only you can change things, only you can figure out what you need, and most importantly take baby steps!!  You don’t need to take dramatic leaps just one foot in front of the other.  Let’s traverse the road to happiness

Maxorde{Not lookin} - I can sympathize with the winter observation. Show those colors, girl!
3 years ago
Jack in the box -
Very nicely said Ms SuperNova,
Thank you. ☺⚘
3 years ago

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